General Discussion

General DiscussionSearching for a carry type offlaner

Searching for a carry type offlaner in General Discussion

    Besides void I currently don't have a offlaner that I feel really comfortable with and as stated before I have played almost carry exclusively in the past but really think I would excel more if I specialized as an offlaner . With this being said I really would prefer greedy offlaners that can carry games with hat I can spam with void . All ideas appreciated . Criteria is a hero that I can spam that can solo offlane and has potential to carry games . Void fits this bill perfectly but need to add another hero to my repitore I thought maybe it could be weaver but after seeing his frail butt get stomped by a heavy disable line I am having second thoughts on whether he can be my other hero .



      johnny cage era

        Slardar? Axe?

        3POS 1V9 SAMURAI

          LD/NP/Timber/Slardar/Bristleback(well, more or less, mostly less but I felt like adding it)/Brood(very weak this patch but I saw Bulldog carrying some games with it, I think it can be done too with practice)/Night stalker/Weaver

          [RR53] RR

            Weaver if you have Drow in team.


              Wouldn't np be too squishy with no reliable escape mechanism ?


                Timbersaw, although you wouldn't be able to carry through right click. And you won't be able to out carry heroes like medusa and spectre.




                    Any tips on keeping up on farm with slardar since he farms kind slow .


                      Farm heroes

                      [RR53] RR

                        Gank mid with Slardar early on. You just need level two. On first night (min 4) you can get a kill most likely.


                          Why not pick ur traditional carry and go aggro trilane? Get the same job done.


                            Slardar and nightstalker


                              Ermmmm legion commander?


                                night stalker or OD maybe




                                    naix buy a pms and 4 tangos and ull never lose lane against retards haha.


                                      Phoenix & Batrider !


                                        Press R to win
                                        Seriously tho
                                        You can pick most mid game carries that has some sort of sustain/durability and play him offlane with less greedier build, but that doesn't mean it's always viable tho
                                        For example, LS, WK (xd lul), BB, etc

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                                          Why does life stealer have such a low vein rate in the offlane ? Are people playing him wrOng there kitrak ?


                                            RIKI MARU


                                              I am actually pretty good at Riki but can you consistently play him as a solo offlaner ? Figured in higher mmr he'd be better as s roamer though .


                                                all u do is buy a pms and go into the offlane, hit creeps for a while, press rage every now and then. supports cant rlyl trade with u in most cases. naix had the same farm as the morph in that game with some help from riki and thats a mid 7k game so i think its safe to say that shits annoying as fuck to deal with in pubs.

                                                i guess earthspirit wasnt really competent but i dont think theres much he coulda done anyway.

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                                                ora ora ora

                                                  Morph looks like he has no farm compared to TB