General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to raise MMR from 4k to 5k as support?

How to raise MMR from 4k to 5k as support? in General Discussion

    I need guidance from all the PROS, I am sick of being a 4k trash.

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        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

          I've stop using these shit long time ago.


            Be a non-trash unlike me


              the way i did it as support was roaming and dual offlane supports

              anything super agressive that wins the laning stage.

              then you round up your whole team and deathball


                Bws- We can be the best trash talk buddy in this forum.

                Kookie- Any advise on WD support? When to go for heal/maledict?


                  You'll always be trash. The trench follows u




                      Dont play too much rubick, my most played hero is rubick and I can tell you this hero gets to a point where its way to difficult to win consistently, I always maintained over 55% wr on rubick untill 4k or vhs, I dont seem to be able to win more of 40% of games since then.
                      I passed to playing a lot of cm, mirana, and others but mostly those 2. I can elaborate a lil more later gotta go now.


                        spamm sd and see what happens


                          Pick more Silencer, he is best support.


                            In the rare games when I have to play support I pick SD and just stack jungle for my midlaner/babysit his ass from roamers, farm jungle when I have my arcanes and then lategame sit behind with blink+aether lens and save people.


                            4-1 so far but small sample size.


                              pick what ur team need disable? heal? gank? and see is that fit with ur team and don't spam like a retard always counter pick

                              BSJ. LGD

                                I actually spammed Rubick to 5.4k mmr during the naix alch slark op era, was TOP 2 on yasp, my proudest moments, had around 70% wr, then I started playing other heroes because he kinda sucks versus life stealer and slark.

                                he focuses on wards and double pulling every wave while having nice kill potential with lift. Deward-Harrass-pull-chain pull repeat untill 6. Tango salve sentry courier clarity tp scroll is your starting item.

                                And of course your safe lane wouldn't be happy about all that pulling rofl but it wins games by getting fast lvl 6 by 10mins while also not sapping your safe lane's xp and brown boot flying courier at min3 and foking the offlaner so hard he wanna uninstall.

                                After that u go double gauntlet into arcanes wind lace urn wand I think. And do smoke+obs combo with your team. Weakness is Rubick sucks balls versus aggro trilanes and tanky heroes.

                                You can also do timely Ganks like camping the rune or a timely 4minute night vision gank mid. Or start the game by going top to hit the enemy supports and deward then tp btm at 30 seconds to check camps then pull at 16 always ( secures ally offlaner xp, denies vision, makes enemy offlane think he's safe stuff like that.

                                Also don't feed on Rubick just stay hidden near your team which is not hard to do because no one will prioritize a Rubick first which is a plus from being a mediocre hero.
                                His aura is an invisible mekansm so max that after lift lvl2.
                                You'll find yourself doing the same thing every game if you're efficient that is all.
                                I actually am pretty ass on him now tho but that's my Rubick tips. This applies to any pos 5 lane support like disruptor.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  I'll take a look at some of your games, you have such a nice wr on rubick at a high level.
                                  I have a question tho, what's with the vitality booster?


                                    if u spam rubick, and then there are just games where there aent any big spells. what's one lift gonna do for ya? xd


                                      Thanks for the advise, I used to spam and train rubick, but then I've stop dota for awhile and now rarely use it anymore.
                                      I m Spamming SD recently before his Shadow Poison nerf and got to TOP 100.(Drop off after few loses T_T)
                                      I also realize most low 4k carries tend to dive tower and feed a lot of gold to enemy especially we are winning.

                                      My most common mistake as support is rarely stack for our carry/mid especially when we're having sven/tinker/alche and etc.

                                      LeFlash- I don't think I bought vitality for rubick?
                                      Lolz- Nice guide and I think it applies to all support as well.

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