General Discussion

General DiscussionArc warden

Arc warden in General Discussion

    Guys I played shit warden only once before and fed all game couldn't do anything.
    Then I read a few things in here I understood that this hero needs to farm all game with his broken midas I tried that in this match
    But failed big time couldn't get that many kills despite my level/gold advantage and couldn't rat because valve nerfed his ulti big time his clone almost dies immediately.
    Should I go full damage next time rather than survivability items?
    I think I shouldn't have bought that dogshit hurricane pike

    P.S : Don't worry I reported ursa 5times

    Ten temat był edytowany

      As always, the build depends on the situation. Also, yu are a human (remember it) and you can make mistakes. I personally suggest you to watch pro players build and how they play so you can learn some tips and get an idea of the general standard items for this hero.
      Have fun playing Dota.


        silver edge bloodthron mjollnir

        milk that tastes like rea...

          bring your hero to fights, why do you only have 2 deaths?


            +Destinii they were 5 manning a lot and my team was feeding all game.
            I just spammed my E to give my team vision even when I did give the vision of whole enemy team my team chose to rush and feed.
            Arc is really strong in 1v1 only I guess

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              +we need to build a wall I understood that I made a mistake with not buying mjollnir thanks man.
              It was in the build which I used but I skipped that item like a dumbass

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                I think mjolnir is core item for arc in this meta


                  Well I didn't know that before

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