General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Manta/Linkens useless on Madusa?

Is Manta/Linkens useless on Madusa? in General Discussion
Execute Order 322

    Let's make out a PROPER item-build for medusa!

    Dire Wolf

      Look if you just want a cookie cutter build to run everytime fine, but a big part of dota is adapting to the situation.

      Cookie cutter build for every game:

      Start with two tangos, ring of protection, slippers of agi.

      Build phase boots, aquila, yasha, skadi, crystalis, butterfly, upgrade to daedulus, sell aquila for mkb. Game should be over by then.

      Execute Order 322

        Crits on medusa? Wow


          i prefer phase, aquila, maelstrom myself. do you get more points into split shot if you get yasha instead?

          Dire Wolf

            what else are you going to get for +dmg items? It's butterfly, daedulus, mkb, divine rapier which I wouldn't put into a default build. You can go butter before daedulus but why not grab a super cheap item that ups your single target dps a ton first?


              linkens yes manta no unless they have strong aoe silences so you can cast ult


                Yasha into skadi is still pretty bad for damage, together they cost over 7700 gold and give only 41 damage.
                Also why would you get Daedalus when bloodthorne gives more dps , disable, true strike,and survivability? Normally Daedalus is bought over bloodthorne on cleave heroes like Sven and ember to maximize their abilities, but crits don't work with split shot so it only increases singletarget DPS, so you might as well get bloodthorne.

                As for mkb, you only need it against blinds like drunken haze because of the way split shot works.

                Some thing that has been buffed lately and is very good on medusa not just a situational item is diffusal. Most people dont think about it, but it gives VERY cost effective dps even if you dont have illusions. The intelligence adds to your ehp and the dispel is great if you arent getting manta as well. Also, the slow keeps you from getting kited. Arteezy has been building it lately and testing it in different builds. A build I like is phase-aquila-mom-diffusal-skadi this will really surprise people who think you are just a ranged creep in the first 30 minutes. I've seen it being build with SnY as well.

                Regardless, if you need to be dealing some damage (not that you always do) it's best to get a cheap dps item like diffusal, demon edge or maelstrom before going into a big stat item like skadi.

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                Player 175043649

                  ^mom diffusal?


                    Skadi gives you good stats and slow and is generally a good item.


                      Skadi + butterfly vs manta + linkens

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                      M u r d e r

                        Is it just me, or is Linkens+Manta in general a very powerful but situational item combination which is good on pretty much all (agility) and any heroes who fear disables? Which is I suppose suggested on medusa as she wants to survive as long as possible and use her ult?

                        Coz I just built Manta/Linkens on FV because enemy had Orchid/Sheepstick (we needed chrono) and won. I guess I could have just BKB though.

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                          Getting linkens + manta is just like using 2 condoms safe af but sometimes u gotta go all in and get like mom rapier shit


                            Medusa is not meant to fucking deal damage she is meant to tank / soak damage to create space for your TEAM to win the fight.

                            Why do u think she has her ult, and survivability thst is reliant purely on stats ?????

                            Only time she does dmg is with a divine rapier or a mjollnr or when she has 4-6 items and even then it's not much compared to an enemy carry with 6 items like slark / spectre / Sven.

                            Wake the fuck up


                              I like dragon lance>manta on most ranged carries. Even though lance doesnt increase split shot range it actually allows dusa to do dmg early on so you can join fights at sub 10 mins.


                                @joe 2 condoms are more unsafe than only using 1. The friction can break the outermost condom


                                  Disregard Linkens, Manta; Acquire butterfly, mkb, skadi, bkb.


                                    Lel thx for the advice m8. Will remember

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I totally forgot about bloodthorn, but I think you are right. Her single target is a lot less than a daeulus, but with the use effect making your whole team crit it comes out ahead, and the attack speed and dmg for split shot is better. Good call I'm going to try it, maybe even do an orchid rush after yasha!


                                        I just tried a build that worked really well - phase, aquila,HoTD, SnY , diffusal,bloodthorn,satanic,butterfly
                                        You hit really hard with this build, farm quickly and set up kills really easily with the diffusal slow+bloodthorne silence.its basically a hex+amp dmg on an 11 second cd. The satanic and bloodthorne give alot of sustain and survivability as well.

                                        Obviously going-linkens-skadi-manta can be good if you don't need to do damage, but many times in pubs this is not the case.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        Eternal Meow

                                          You must waste a lot of reports then.


                                            I tend to think that the regen stats and spell block on linkens make it worth it. Especially since Medusa needs to be in the front absorbing spells and DMG and hitting everyone with her split shot. That being said after linkens I will always rush DMG like crit mkb or bfly. Going linkens into another stat item like manta or skadi delays ur DMG too much. You should rush some kind of stat item first and then go into DMG and then more stats. Somthing like linken into bfly/mkb into skadi next then more DMG Medusa needs to tank AND deal huge aoe dps. Skadi rush into DMG is also really strong.


                                              Desolator Atos Necrobook is probably the best

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