General Discussion

General Discussionridicilous first picks in games

ridicilous first picks in games in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Any good first picks heroes for ranked?

    I feed up with these first pick AM , PA , slark and get countered hard by axe , riki ,nukes heroes in my games.

    Possibly babysit support or semi carry hero. Maybe necro?

    I hate to know will lost in picking phase. Heck even i got first pick WK

    Execute Order 322

      Good first picks are mainly "classic" pos. 5 supports, which will be useful in any draft and beastmaster.
      Example of supports: vengeful spirit, cm, disruptor, lion, io


        Legion commender

        sin blyadi

          lifestealer, ancient apparition and dazzle

          Ten komentarz był edytowany
          doc joferlyn simp

            lc claim jungle say "i farm"


              tidehunter lion dragon knight


                TB, invoker


                  tb is first pick material? how do you deal with heroes like sven or timber?

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                    why the hate about lc jungle? sure first pick her and you get bounty or some roaming supports from the other side and you are done, but at least assess the player's farming ability before reporting (lol)

                    usually if i see lc standing by the easy camp before camp spawns i say gg because thats not the way to farm




                        why do you need to deal with anything when ur tb?

                        Dire Wolf

                          Slark is fine as a first pick. Am is bad cus you're asking your team to support you hard and they never do.

                          Lifestealer and Sven are probably the two easiest carries to first pick


                            doesnt both sven and timber oneshot your illusions
                            and how do you even kill timber

                            Your Wife's Boyfriend

                              TB, lion, beastmaster?

                              but I just first pick luna cuz she cant be countered, go offlane, buy aghs first and then w8 for a reaction from my team after which I usually mute them.


                                Im sure sven and timber are some of the better heroes vs TB but it doesnt make him a bad first pick u can definitely first pick it and win almost everything if ur good just like rtz did


                                  slark, because slark wins the game.


                                    i still cant win with the hero xd


                                      first pick a hero youre good at


                                        Me too. I suck at slark

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          I first pick Riki.

                                          I lose game.

                                          Team reports me.


                                            in NS picks does not matter


                                              First picks are so fucking stupid. Lc jungle forever. Probably haven't see a Lc in a Lane forever. Or first pick am. Or terrorblade which gets trashed by magic. And it ruins Everygame because no one will ever pick support.


                                                Love it when people who say no one ever picks supports, never play supports themselves....^

                                                Professor Dog

                                                  Spirit Breaker

                                                  KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                                                    T e r r o r b l a d e

                                                    feeding weaboo

                                                      the people who are mad when there is no support are mostly the kind of people that can't play support
                                                      autos creep
                                                      no wards
                                                      no utility
                                                      steals farm and still manages to become poor

                                                      Not Supp-ort

                                                        Just pick techies. Uncounterable


                                                          lion or vengeful spirit


                                                            Pick Techies hohoho and everyone will hate you.

                                                            Preap Sovath

                                                              My 1st Pick in rank is Spirit Breaker and 1st pick since play Dota is Viper