General Discussion

General DiscussionRate My Ember Build

Rate My Ember Build in General Discussion
Whoregasm Im new to the hero, i like him and you may say im ok at playing him. R8 my build?


      Its pretty standart, although few notes:
      1) instead of going for so many defensive slots (linkens+manta), I'd go straight for bkb if you feel you're getting burst down too fast, but usually Manta+defensive remnant is enough
      2) travels would come to more use at about ~20-25 min instead of 45. You'd save more on tps and overall would be more mobile


        Pretty much what AltSk0P said. Linkens plus manta plus Skadi means youre not doing enough damage. Linkens is good some games but not really sure what you were trying to block that game. you should be able to dodge Sven's Stun, Assassinate and Huskar Ult with Sleight, Remnant or Manta. Nothing else seems worth blocking. The manta and Skadi are both reasonable choises but Linkens is only really necessary against things like DOOM and Primal Roar.
        Everything else seems pretty standard apart from the late travels. Most people get early travels (usually 1st or 2nd major item) because it greatly speeds up farming and it lets you drop a remnant, TP to base and then come back to lane with the remnant for free.
        Blink dagger might have also been useful that game. But its another item that doesn't give damage so try not to have too many of those.

        Your Wife's Boyfriend

          ^i ll just pretend i never saw this thread, leaving my pointless comment for no reason

          reaL stöge :D

            I agree with the points above. In my opinion Travels should be bought early because of the ability to regen for free and also regen in the middle of fights. You can then get back to business with full HP and mana in a moment. You can also farm two lanes at the same time by leaving a remnant to your current position and teleport to another lane. It's good to force enemies to defend their towers, remnant back and push another tower. Travels are simply just so amazing on Ember...
            Blink is also very good item on Ember. It makes a mobile hero even more mobile. I usually like to buy it when enemy team has for example a squishy support who you can farm easily. Just drop a remnant, activate your 3rd, blink in, use Searing Chains and try to dodge possible stuns and other disables with Sleight of Fist. Then just remnant the hell out.


              why linkens


                0 need for linkens. Point in W at lvl 7 + triple remnant is way too good to delay it. Skadi wasnt doing you any good if you were caught anyway


                  Alright, thanks a ton for the feedback, it is really helpful. You guys are the best!


                    What s your mmr?

                    feeding weaboo

                      I am really suprised that I can find such mature community of a game full of toxic kids

                      BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                        11/10 would follow


                          1/10 would follow. noob build


                            ^ lul XD im 1.1K sub 50 WR but calibrated at 900 mmr. I want to learn skill based heroes first of every role before i try to climb mmr. My goal is to git gud then climb, not spam slark to 2K. Storm, Ember, and Earth are the most fun 😊

                            stupid fuck 2000

                              Typical skill build, you should go with that almost every game except for when you are going mid against stuff like QoP where you can put one point into sleight to dodge her dagger. The items choices were fine, bkb was better than having linkens+manta in fights but what people keep forgetting is that ember is a natural split pusher and you can't use bkb every time you get caught. Inb4 someone says "hurr durr dont get caught", yeah that shit's not happening. If the game lasts enough you WILL get caught at least once. You should keep a BKB in your stash though if you have the money.

                              PS: never ever go ember offlane again.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              lm ao

                                try to get 10 cs per minute on him. closest i got was 473 at min 49


                                  I always add Magic Wand to my starting items set because without this 4 INT i sometimes run out of mana in the middle of fight.

                                  His all spells cost together 420 mana. With just aquila you cannot use ur remnant twice for catching foes. Wand solve that issue until ur mana pool is larger from lvl stat gain.
                                  For me the best order is PMS -> bottle -> Wand -> Aquila -> BoT -> BF -> What is needed.


                                    ^imma try that



                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                          @ Meka take a look at the total dmg 100 • 3 = 300 > 120 • 2 = 240

                                          DURATION: 1 / 2 / 2 / 3
                                          RADIUS: 400
                                          DAMAGE PER SECOND: 80 / 60 / 120 / 100
                                          TOTAL DAMAGE: 80 / 120 / 240 / 300
                                          UNIT COUNT: 2
                                          CAST POINT 0s

                                          < blank >

                                            Ignoring 6k advice lmao

                                            Guy Riki

                                              Dagon is really good. They won't expect you to have it.

                                              sin blyadi

                                                if u go for phase, then buy drums instead of aquila


                                                  How is that ignoring 6k advice?

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    get BoTs as soon as possible


                                                      Get DR as soon as possible