General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes tinker need a nerf

Does tinker need a nerf in General Discussion
Final Boss

    i'm sure anti mage can wreck tinker without his battlefury and manta since he doesnt need farm at all while tinker needs a shit ton of farm before he is able to use his laser rocket combo


      i'm sure tinker can wreck antimage without his bots and blink since he doesnt need farm at all while antimage needs a shit ton of farm before he is able to use his manta void combo

      Welt aus Eis

        This threads a joke


          maybe look at his win rate and use your brain to answer your own question: 'does tinker need a nerf?'
          1. He is one of the lowest winrate heroes because of the skill required to play him at a decent level.
          2. Why are you trying to fight against a lategame tinker? Tinker is atrocious in the lane if you gang him once or twice with decent rotations before he gets his items up.
          3. Anyone who goes max laser and rockets instead of march is not playing the hero right. His ability to push the wave and control runes is poor without march and obviously he cannot farm jungle stacks or farm lanes quickly.
          4. There are a ton of counters, luckily dotabuff has a feature that you can see what heroes do well against tinker - maybe use it?

          Please don't waste peoples times with your ridiculous questions before using your brain to think about it first.


            As above, 46% win rate. You really think the hero needs a nerf? How many times do you see tinker picked at pro level? Very few because he is extremely easy to play against. Maybe if you are getting 'outcarried' every game by a tinker as an agility hard carry, you should accept that you are not as good as carrying as you think and should work on your game instead of focusing on 'nerf this hero because I'm butthurt' / thanks.


              And one final point, you just played terrorblade 16 games in a row including a ragequit abandon. Of course you are going to get countered by tinker if you play terrorblade. Brain pls.


                Op's tinker is op because tinker in his mind always has blink bots(essential) Dagon hex ethereal (kill potential) Euls linken (defensive items) and bloodstone (for mana pool required to combo a fucking carry
                So, 8 items slot tinker is obviously OP


                  I mean how can he even talk like "I can't catch tinker guys, he got blink/Euls/linken, and he also soloed our carry with hex Dagon ethereal"

                  Fucking pick one, hard to catch tinker that does very little or tinker that does a lot with no defensive item.

                  Final Boss

                    Firstly, it wasnt a ragequit my pc shut down cause of heat. Secondly, both of you are tinker/invoker players. I already provided you with proof that tinker is OP by showing you a profile of a 1.5k player who played tinker and invoker to get to 5k. You on the other hand stated that a hero is not OP based on his winrate(tb had 48% winrate when people claimed he was the most OP shit ever). You people do this every time, you say a hero is too weak then that hero gets buffed again and again until he gets too strong and then you yourselves cry over it, thats stupid where i come from. Yeah i should just accept the fact that a 46% winrate player judged me based on my performance in one game vs tinker where my team fed him two kills before the game started and my pc kept shutting down. OP's tinker is OP because tinker is OP, the same way voker is still OP, a hero that can be 0-5 mid and yet get midas, BoTs, eul's, aghanim, and blink in 20-22 min was not OP at all but alchemist too imba guys nerf ples.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                    Final Boss

                      ganking tinker in the lane is supposed to be a counter to him? what if tinker's teammate ganks your mid, what then?

                      Final Boss

                        Also since you have only 44% winrate with tinker out of 45 games you should quit dota and go back to mario kart where you belong

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        Final Boss

                          This threads a joke(3rd best hero tinker with 74% winrate) and oh look he outcarried a farmed morphling in his last tinker game.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                          Final Boss

                            yes actually tinker can and does wreck anti mage before his BoTs and blink. Also about that game that i 'ragequit' the tinker had 6 min boots of travel due to the good early feeding how exactly was i supposed to win against that anyway?


                              I think your solo mmr says it all... My win rate may not be the best but I play plenty of heroes for fun with friends. Answer me this: if tinker is OP, why does he have 45% win rate and why is he not consistently picked in pro scene?

                              Final Boss

                                how does my solo mmr have anything to do with anything when i dont even play ranked, i play vs(and beat) 4k-5k players in almost every other game and sometimes 6-6.7k, Answer me this: if tinker isnt OP how does a 1.5k mmr player get 4.8k mmr by playing just him and invo

                                Final Boss

                                  your winrate is not the best because you are terrible at this game


                                    You used the same profile as your proves of both
                                    1. Dubai player is better than eu and 2. Tinker is op
                                    When you want to prove 1st you said look at my friend climb mmr EZ in Europe server to 5k
                                    Then later you said look he played tinker till 5k EZ tinker sure op. So is Dubai player good or tinker is op?????

                                    Also, you simply disregard all my point given even though its fucking obvious that tinker that carry Euls to purge silence and slow is not gonna soloed you carry. So if he is soloing your carry then counter him with a fucking disable.


                                      Also nice tactic, "bwaah I can't answer his questions while maintaining my defense, better ask him back a question and keep on acting like I'm perfectly right" so FUCKIGN EVASIVE for a guy who acts all righteous

                                      Tilt Chamberlain

                                        You are in high skill, so there isnt much point in arguing with you.

                                        Final Boss

                                          sigh, its cute how you people cant use your own minds and depend on the 'pro scene' to show you how imba a hero really is, troll wasnt picked in the pro scene before 6.83 and even though he wasnt changed people complained about him as soon they started picking him. After tinker dies, he will buyback and defend his base, tinker can easily defend his base even against mega creeps and as i said before its really difficult to push vs him. Yes so whats the problem? I said that dubai players are better and they are. An eu player didnt climb to 5k from 1.5k by spamming tinker but a dubai player did. Yeah tinker is the one taking the farm that his supports could've taken, anti mage does that too, so does almost every agi carry in the game. After tinker is dead the game isn't easy unless you're playing vs passive bots. A good tinker will always have buyback, and he CAN do shit after buying back into the game while the enemy agi carry if killed once by tinker will do nothing but die again if he gets caught again by tinker which doesn't require any skill, just button spamming herpaderpness.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                          Final Boss
                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty
                                            Final Boss

                                              Also, panyC, I suggest getting your capslock fixed.

                                              Final Boss

                                                For those crying about no pro players from dubai. Here you go.

                                                Final Boss

                                                  This is the same dubai player beating w33 and miracle in the same game, thus further establishing my point of dubai players being better than all you shits.

                                                  Final Boss

                                                    Now, bear in mind, if you reply, reply with proof. I don't want no rants, no capslock and no retarded kid trying to appear cool by imitating 2k-3k mmr players.

                                                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                      the logic of a 16 y old attention seeker. Random player from dubai wins a teamgame vs 2 eu pro players - Dubai > EU

                                                      Mind_Control is from Bulgaria, Mind_Control beats miracle on LAN, Mind_Control wins the LAN - Bulgaria = best dota players.
                                                      Here I can do this with 1000 similar examples.

                                                      can someone lock this, the topic's no longer about tinker and the levels of racism are increasing.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        oh my




                                                            and tinker is not op


                                                              Thread went from tinker being OP, to everyone is shit unless you're from Dubai......


                                                                не трогайте тинкера, а если надоел тарь БКБ


                                                                  ^Here ya go

                                                                  Final Boss

                                                                    no proofs, just more redditards with the I.Q level of a fucking amoeba.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                    Final Boss

                                                                      This asdf guy sounds really confused. Attacker is a pro player from dubai server. If you opened the link I posted, you'd find that it says 'Mohammed "Attacker" Almheiri is a professional Dota 2 player from Dubai who is playing for Samurai Champloo.' But here you are, saying that a RANDOM player from dubai beat miracle and w33, you need help getting rid of that salt sonny. Spend more time on bettering your observation skills because even a monkey can do imitations and pretend he's the boss.

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        (console) : :poop:

                                                                        lm ao


                                                                          ASSESS Product

                                                                            Internet never fail to amuse me.

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                              nice 25% winrate on tinker op, lul

                                                                              but why are there no players from dubai in tier 1-3 teams ?

                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                                                                  This guy is retarded if he thinks tinker is broken.

                                                                                  Even in 3k he doesn't win often. The only reason why the tinker did so well in my last game was that we made some space for him (and ls was retarded to a T)

                                                                                  You're just had at playing against tinker. Like how I'm bad at playing against disruptor. Stop whinning, and learn the counter pick


                                                                                    The funny thing about this is that this guy doesn't have a losing game with Tinker as an opponent in the past month.

                                                                                    Final Boss

                                                                                      People who start their sentence with 'this guy is retarded' just because someone doesn't conform to their ideology are part of the problem. Learn to respect a proper thread with proofs, you let your ego get the better of you just because you're from outside dubai and dont want to accept that you suck compared to us. In time, you will all submit to this server of greats. Muhahaha. So it's funny if I stand up for the people getting rekt by this hero other than me? Very funny indeed.

                                                                                      Final Boss

                                                                                        Scratch that, I should've seen your name before replying. Neko Gamer Soul, nuff said.


                                                                                          Oh yes, the old "Look everyone, NGS said something! Since his name is weeb as fuck let's all treat him like everything he says is shit, harharhar."

                                                                                          To that I reply, is there a Dubai team in any forum of professional Dota? The answer is no, so eat shit and let the Americans handle it, cause we won the international last year, and your team is nowhere to be found.

                                                                                          All egotistical American circlejerking aside, this guy is just a troll tbh. He failed at his logic a long time ago and has to result in regional placement to prove his points.

                                                                                          Also, what ideology? The asshole ideology? I'm pretty sure I co-founded that along with trump and the fine bros.

                                                                                          If you're getting rented by a 43% win rate hero, then you just suck. Stand up towards the omni knight and people will give a shit then.

                                                                                          Final Boss

                                                                                            Americans... oh if you only knew. Let's look at the members of team E.G shall we.
                                                                                            Sumail: Pakistan
                                                                                            Saahil Arora: Sri Lankan
                                                                                            Kurtis Ling: Canadian
                                                                                            Fear and ppd: The only Americans.
                                                                                            Techinically, 3 outta 5 people were from outside America and though I don't support Sumail, he was given most of the credit for winning the Ti for your pathetic country. He found it easy to increase his mmr in american servers. You probably know why, all you need is good ping, american players practically hand you ez mmr, don't be salty, it's only true.
                                                                                            You started your comment with 'this guy is retarded' what kind of reply did you expect dumbshit.
                                                                                            I established my logic and gave evidence whereas all I got from you and yours was useless walls of text leading to nothing. What I said about us being from different servers is part of my logic, since all you people are good at is racist rants and ad hominem. I baited you out with the same and uptil now, haven't been disappointed.


                                                                                              y yu so toxik

                                                                                              ASSESS Product

                                                                                                Final Boss

                                                                                                  Imma just leave another wall of useless text leading to nothing. You are so easy. If you imply that I am the type of person who uses the first argument technique mentioned in the link, know that this would be true, had you disproven or embarrassed the person, none of which was the case here. You should make it a habit of reading your homework before handing it in boy.

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                                                                                                  lm ao

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