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    @spader- good items, blademail to stop drow and voker from focusing you, but tbh, got carried by the pa. dont even know how that happens considering voker is great against her...


      + : Won as Invoker. WP.
      - : Probably carried by Jugg.


        Definitely carried by jugg . You were pretty awful in the game . Maybe cuz of the drafting .

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          @BoraT MaN I play Single Draft for fun because I want to expand my hero pools, was actually playing Gyro for the first time.

          ^comment on BoraT MaN, not me


            Nice pick against Timber. Good items and nice farm with Razor! Well played.


              How in the hell you can win with wyvern after that ulti nerf back in 2 (or was it 3?) patch ago?

              Easy steamroll, even you as Pos 5 are richer than any of opposing heroes. Nothing can be said since it was too one-sided. Well played


                Great farm and was able to do lots of tower damage. LS and Ursa were not enough to bring down a fat Medusa in the late game. You played your role well and so did your teammates. Well played!


                  good lasthits but unneccesary and wrong items you were just afk farmin instead finish game much earlier so u can play new game and have more time noooob

                  casual gamer

                    a very good game to pick up a vlads. looks like huskar got huge and then couldn't close the game out, your carries outscaled or outplayed the am and then ez win

                    abaddon is v good pick vs storm and husk


                      @glad, got carried by the slark, but I do like the axe to counter the jug


                        Typical roaming riki


                          @P2D, it was to stalk the stupid fucking techies


                            Maxed out smoke screen first - I'm guessing roaming Riki
                            tankier item build, and Halberd is good against TA & WR, good item here


                              Your team had an excellent draft. Game went on to last an hour and you had to fight through mega creeps. Any win with the above condition should be applauded. Personally, I would have bought Vlad's for Slardar as it helps in teamfights and fighting of the megas. Well played!

                              Miyamura Izumi

                                I like how the Mirana went against the meta and skipped Aghs. Anyway, you carried your team, 4v5 doesn't matter when the enemy team Pugna is the one that dealt the most damage even every single one of them are hard-hitters or nukers.


                                  Most times i look at hero damage, hero healing and tower damage but as sb these stats arent that good as with another heroes but anyway you were playing as the only support in your team really well.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    Since the API is down, I can just Watch basic stuff.

                                    YOu played well in your Pos 4 and from what i can see you did a fair job on your ultis.

                                    Shame on the loss tho, it was deffo not on your account tho.

                                    fishy boi

                                      nice tiny, you destroyed invoker lol

                                      ул. ельцина 3

                                        3k slark stomp


                                          Typical No Support chaos Game, Your Offlane carried you like a madman.


                                            well damn, this game is the physical representation of Death is my Bitch. WP


                                              Meepwned / godawful anti mage

                                              Donald Trump 2016

                                                FLAWLESS VICTORY!


                                                  Welp. For a moment I thought phantom riki has returned. Decent hero damage there, need some work on that TD tho. WP overall


                                                    Hardsupporting in a no-farming meatgrinder game... Not my cup of tea but grats!


                                                      40 min GG, with 2 invis heroes on the team. I'm guessing the enemy team didn't know how to deal with invis. Stomp with Clinkz.

                                                      casual gamer


                                                        you carried ur team 100%. massive armor reduction + crit = death

                                                        they had minimal stuns to stop you from clicking things to death

                                                        ул. ельцина 3

                                                          Us east noobs being crushed


                                                            @thegreatest... Nc am.. Interesting game..ggwp


                                                              @John Nash Jr, i dont knownhow you pulled off a 3 core team against that kind of push li eup, but it seems like you carried your ass off. Nice


                                                                won in VHS as 2k mmr. but than again they picked PA which is the worst hero in dota and all you need to do is ult her


                                                                  Mate, why you gotta look down on me so much?


                                                                    I just really fucking hate PA and was describing how terrible the hero is and how easy it is to kill her

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      mr swirl I'm beginning to feel ur just bitter that u have sub 50% winrate on pa with 42 games in high skill (lol), wheras other people achieve higher winrates with her.

                                                                      she does have 51% average winrate over all players so I guess that makes the problem more the driver than the car I guess

                                                                      on topic: radiant had advantage all game, you waited a long-ass time to close it out. my guess would be nobody roshed early and you farmed pretty slow in the early game, so you didn't have the items to push t2s early on. still, the game went to 1hr and ember + am >>>slark single core lineup

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        @glad nicely carried am.. Your team had 3 cores u mst hv had a bad time start game coz they have nightmarish early lineup.. First time seeing daedalus on am tho


                                                                          @Glad I had 60 last hits in 10 minutes BF at 13. I was well ahead and took bottom tower early. Team was struggling in the early game because of Pudge but did ok. Game was hard missing 80% of hits.

                                                                          What I meant by I hate PA is that I have 30% winrate when the hero is on my team.

                                                                          @John that comeback though, was it a tough game?

                                                                          fishy boi

                                                                            too many cores but hey,
                                                                            you won right lmao


                                                                              @swirl yes it wa hard but if it was one of those 70 min long games then we'd lose for sure.. Our unstoppable push made us win


                                                                                their storm outfarmed your am lol but still storm no items lmao u build sabre for like farm and extra bash which is i think shit better get a force if your hero is stunned.. bug anyway nice assists their team was full of trash u were kinda lucky :d

                                                                                MAJOR CHAOS

                                                                                  Ur itembuild was very early based so it's good that you won early otherwise you would've had to upgrade ur items very shortly after. Other then that the opposing team failed hard. Their bottom lane was passive af with a lc jungle. idk what to say more.

                                                                                  Ur invoker did well, their tinker was terrible and idk how a qop can die against a omni, troll and wk jungle. doesn't add up <.<

                                                                                  Anyhow gg wp. both lineups were bad, theirs was just worst! :)


                                                                                    200gpm slark, how did you do it?


                                                                                      (please skip me)

                                                                                      @KEK because of me obviously, Only one who provided stuns


                                                                                        'Tis the second time i commented about riki DansGame. WP anyways, that am probably was too retarded to split push or something.

                                                                                        fishy boi

                                                                                          Dank storm dude. still you lost hard coz team

                                                                                          Pablo Picasso

                                                                                            No reliable lock-downs, hard to hit enemies & alot of glodal to AoE skills makes harder for teamfights.

                                                                                            The only option; drag & rat game...


                                                                                              NICE PICK VERY UNPREDICTABLE LMAOO

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                old old old tinker build. you died a ton for tinker, probably mostly to their zeus with maybe 1 to the blink jugg too

                                                                                                you did ok damage amd held out for a long time, then the only 2 players on their team worth a damn quit so you got an ez win


                                                                                                  Good farm/pushing while helping out the team, leading in hero dmg and tower dmg

                                                                                                  WP getting 7 slotted on Med, extending the game to 60 mins without getting any of your racks destroyed

                                                                                                  What's with that BS build lol


                                                                                                    Still able to snowball and carry with OD with 28k damage while the second highest damage is 11k. God damn wp wp

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!