General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    your roaming bloodseeker, you played well. you controlled tempo of the game early on and thats what one should do with a hero like bloodseeker when played on this position. you are really good at your most played heroes.


      Your jungle cyka got rekt so bayed D:

      casual gamer

        Full page of wins! :D

        Good farm, good items, good game.

        i probably wouldve gone silver edge skadi or BKB instead of bfly, they have a lot of non-phys damage and axe will kill you faster with bfly. silver edge i love against axe because if you use it in the call animation it ruins his call

        you didnt die anyway pretty much crushed them, great job


          Really aggro line up. Cool items. I guess bkb wasnt nececry when ure ahead. Gj


            stopming kids
            low tower dmg low farm try get more while having same or higher hero damage aswell


              low kill participation, fine farm , good split pushing, seeker owned the game


                Snowballed from early? Push tower get rosh end the game. Pretty gud since you get 10k building damage


                  Really well played Brood. Best GPM and farm in the game plus good kda! Well done sir.


                    less farm than ur support disruptor who did all the warding...need to pick it up boi

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                    casual gamer

                      top damage and ok farm with v few deaths, gj

                      i wouldve gone fast pike and skipped silver edge for a later sheep personally, especially against storm


                        You know what you're doing and you carried your team.

                        The Medic Guy

                          good early itemization, cheap and great wraith band.
                          took a bit longer tho for that manta build, maybe because your team losing war at min 21 and you die too??

                          overall, it's all good.


                            I don't know why but I love support with low LH. Finally i see someone who buy Dominator. It's a great aura item now. Your team seems struggling in the entire of the match but that team wipe at 41 min really turn the table around. Grats for the win~

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              he won the game but its 1k mmr so there is nothing to talk about since all players in 1k are trash

                              The Medic Guy

                                *ksip me


                                  Well done for pick supp hero.. U analyzed well what your team need the most. That was a close match and your core pretty sure need vision from your wards.


                                    @BobMarley LOL. Pardon me but you are not that different with any trash player with that attitude. I know it. I'm played with them everyday.

                                    Is it lp? Your team stomping hard with that mega before 30 mins mark. Why not let lich buy ward? Maybe cuz your team is leading that he think it's useless to buy it? (from noob player with dream to get 2k)

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      you died a lot, you should try to play safer. but i think you itemized well


                                        ^ your need to improve on your lasthit, 44 cs on clinkz in 27 min is quite low i must say


                                          That match should have been easier for your team, good team composition vs a heavy carry line up. I guess the enemy just have a high luck picking you guys one by one, and they only bought one ward the entire time !? Luckily you guys have an almost impenetrable high-ground defense, they must be really pissed off because of that.


                                            Generic Undying game tbh, Pudge wanted to be an annoying fucking obese prick with 5k HP from constantly ganking cause teams never ward or play safe until they know Pudge is somewhere else and just feed him and LC wanted to do damage and you basically smacked them with a fucking stop sign. Thanks for smacking some filthy boosted animals around fam.

                                            casual gamer

                                              kinda mediocre impact although you did buy all the wards

                                              rare to see techies with so few kills


                                                Got trashed , Tryharding and comeback PogChamp


                                                  What sort of autism leads one to believe that picking riki & BH into a slardar was a good idea?
                                                  Paired with silencer, they basically turn into creeps

                                                  Im guessing you infest/blink/slitereen all game long and roflstomped

                                                  Massive Dynamic

                                                    Based on your net worth, item timings, and KDA it appears you were either supporting or roaming. If I am correct, and you weren't farming lanes, you still got a good timing on your Aghs, most likely from all of those assists. Well done.


                                                      Well stomped OD. Highest dmg output of all and good kda and farm. Well done!


                                                        @peruanos Pretty hard to get kills when you can't minestack your Q and no one was about to just run into ult mines with a Zeus around.

                                                        So I focused on supporting and helping set up kills with the burst and silence of my Blast Off. 17 assists bb.

                                                        Skip me btw, rate Spader


                                                          Ur am, normal skill... Bad choice of hero, bad choice of item... BTw u win, maybe the enemy make mistake even enemy role more good... Just try pick good role and item


                                                            Umm...... Yeah, your team fucked up with Invoker dominating the match. You has tried your best to support them but when your carry fail, you can't do anything beside saw your ancient crumbling into pile. Try to play safer. Enemy team has MK and Weaver (yes, i know BH can counter them), it's okay to fight under your tower. You died too much tho~


                                                              That's quite a long match you got there. Your item progression seems okay but looks like nobody in your team buys enough ward and detection when needed to deal with that Slark early on. I'm sure you did some really good blink-call there so kudos to you


                                                                Now I see what happens when a pos 4 player tries to go on a core role. Not taking into consideration what circumstances pushed you to pick a Morphling into that draft, and end up playing him as an offlaner, I'd say you played like absolute shit.

                                                                Enemy didn't have sufficient burst to kill you until the 30 minute mark ie when Mirana gets her Aghs, since Invoker didn't get a Eul's. Therefore dying 12 times during that match is not good by any means, even when you are practicing. You build both Aether Lens and Rod of Atos, with the Strength multiplier you should have been as tanky as Roshan.

                                                                Why the fuck would you pick Morphling into that draft. Spectre is a farm reliant hero who can just farm creeps and ult to instantly help, and Shadow Fiend can clear camps fast, so I believe only God knows where you got enough farm to get an Ethereal Blade at 30 minutes. And the enemy had a trilane to boot.

                                                                Consider Aghanim's Scepter. The item allows you to Replicate any hero of your choice and allow you to use every spell except the ulti. A great choice to ulti in that case would be the Spectre, since her stats are transferred to the Replication and the illusion itself lasts long. You could have used the Radiance to clear the enemy's small camps or just scout out the place. The illusion would be relatively tanky and a thorn on the enemy's hide.

                                                                Basically, think before you do shit that game was a waste of everyone's time. Good thing you kept up in terms of both farm and experience, it's okay you don't have kills everything is for the #team.


                                                                  report ld for double midas, report the whole team for being retarded. And if you are winning your lane please go for blink 1st dont be too greedy and go for armlet. I think you can go better with blink because if you are behind you can just smoke and go find pickoff. Overall its not your fault that you lose. Also hi vaporwave nice seeig u again

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    go silver edge after echo sabre every game, it's suboptimal <5% of games

                                                                    ur farm is actually atrocious, luckily they are in a similar boat and they bought TERRIBLE items


                                                                      Nice Slardar play. Fast dagger. Good kda. Well farmed and you seemed to handle offlane very good. Well done!



                                                                        Auch, not gonna lie but it is true that i perform really bad that game. However in my defense, Dota 2 just closed by itself during the picking phase where some kinda of null error or something pop up. By the time i reconnected, the game just picked a random heroes for me - which is Morphling that i only use once or twice. Luckily when i apologize to my teammates in the end they're okay with that.

                                                                        Not sure about aether lens on Phoenix. Sure it can extend your birds reach but it will harder to hit since the enemy will have more time to dodge it. I think Veil or Glimmer would be better there.


                                                                          @jdf8 (skip me)
                                                                          My farm is really bad because i had a solo safe lane vs lich and slardar, they dive me under tower and i die 2 times. I made a mistake of not going jungle after lv 6 though. Why should i go silver edge. I feel like i need basher to manfight sven. But i definitely make a mistake of not going se after basher.

                                                                          Goblin slayer

                                                                            fx had a good slark game. He itemized properly but he could have definitely went for greedier items such as Orchid and other offensive items because the eneny team realied on their AOE potential. Hunting one of them, more importantly the support, could net him more kills and ended the game earlier. Decent farm and hero dmg but not great. Carried the game but there's definitely more room to improve. Despite this criticism, he's a very good slark player.

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                              Nothing particular to point out here to be honest. You did you job as support and your Luna stomped people. Enemy team was pretty trashy. And Tinker was his usual fishy smelling stank ass snatch self. I mean I guess I could say I'm surprised you did a relatively good job as support with that 43% winrate but it wouldn't be fair since it's normal for a support to get carried, it's kinda how it works in any normal case.

                                                                              Johnny Rico

                                                                                sniper spammer lul, no rapiers and aghs.

                                                                                Good farm, very gucci dmg, how didi void push more than you?

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  @Hook and Roll, skip me and rate him

                                                                                  Mostly cause if I went near the towers a lot of the time to auto attack they'd instantly clear the wave then have Pudge hook me, or Blink on me, Ursa blink on me or a combo of those things. I had to play extremely safe cause of Pudge and Ursa constantly hounding me. Void's obscenely unfair and could push more safely cause of his Time Walk undoing their burst as he jumps away.


                                                                                    @hook and roll you played perfectly as luna. You get almost 10 cs per min which is very good. But for fun sake i recommend buying butterfly intead of satanic because you can attack faster and harder. Overall you did a good luna game and i dont know if 3 death is intentional or not, but try to have 1 or 0 death in a very good match like you have

                                                                                    Goblin slayer

                                                                                      ez slark win. itemized properly and just overall stomped the game in a miracle- way.


                                                                                        great-weird choices of items on ember,impressive,how could you had pull it off.?

                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                          you died way too much, but your skywrath also built dagon so that game seemed unwinnable Kappa

                                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                            You totally rekt the radiant team along with Spectre. Well played with TA!


                                                                                              you died a lot, and every lane was lost so it was RIP

                                                                                              The Medic Guy

                                                                                                good TA but not as good as 1k gpm TA god


                                                                                                  Techies... lul.. But anyway nice game,what is that 35 sec cooldown suicide joke spell

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                    Well kda with slardar. But why pa so poor. Did u harass her so much, or what. I dont get it when supp have more item than core.

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