General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    double rapier, gg, need I say more?


      good bear, was on jungle or lane?

      Welt aus Eis

        nice storm game, but high skill, probably party game, so your performance wasnt that good

        Night 夜

          Boots build OP, pretty stompy by the looks of it


            love me an unstoppable pl, classic deso enemy fountain buy


              classic 4v5 stomp, great kda throughout radiant players

              Bad Intentions

                High impact lina good job, shud rise up in rank soon.

                KGBlue Lives Matter

                  Looks like you and your team just stomped them as you and all the cores just rekt them hard. Shame on you for picking Blyetcyka though.


                    BS stomp Great Items, Farmed like a boss and didnt feed which can be easy to do as BS

                    casual gamer

                      dagon is pretty good against weaver, although your items seem a little overboard on mana (SR + arcanes)

                      you couldve gone for a necro instead, similar damage with more durability and utility

                      seems like a pretty one sided stomp though


                        Seems like a pretty ratty game. Would have been interesting to watch. Unorthodox picks and items.


                          Gem for slark, S&Y to hunt them down, bkb cause fuck their magic, and ac cause why the hell not.

                          Although they looked like they had advantage (Graph), you were able to top them, good job.


                            The legendary Witch Doctor-Void strat. WD is also one of your top 5 heroes with a solid winrate. Rough game being the solo support with such a greedy team. But looks like you snowballed fairly early and could farm the whole map. Ursa made space for you early I assume? Anyways, well played. Good items, you went an offensive skill build which makes sense considering you were snowballing. You're the support your team deserves


                              Clean game as Slark, I like the orchyd build, easy to get solo kills, good job!

                              Road to 4,5?


                                Just another win in the Storm Spirit Spam (SSS?). Looks like you stomped that Tinker hard, not a fun game for him or his team. Your whole lineup is great at pickoffs. Standard 4-0-4 skill build. Tinker went killing build but got killed more often. Your hero damage was insane. Although only normal matchmaking, stacking with friends?


                                  Nice supp game even if feed.


                                    PA + magnus killfest. Bonus points for ending fairly soon with techies.


                                      Right choice for going BKB.

                                      Did you get it as first item or?


                                        i built midas->yasha->blademail first. Our "im 5k midder gtfo my farm" SF acctually managed to make some space so i didnt have to get it like 2nd.

                                        also dude holy @#% your lich dumpstered them. #lich4prez


                                          @cerodero, did you counterpick the dusa? also seems like you got shat on in lane but dun matter you had better late anyway

                                          [RR53] RR

                                            Clean game as Juggernaut. WP. You could farm more.


                                              Double rapier, daedalus, desolator and bkb.... Ughh, I do not want to see any TA with that build in any of my matches ..

                                              It also seemed like it was a very close match, but I guess you carried yes? wp wp.

                                              + It's your most played hero with a good win ratio.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                              Mos Likely

                                                You seem to be edging into high skill games. congrats! just keep grinding and accumulating battle experience. playing the sacrificial support role. paid off with you carries getting fat


                                                  I presume you did a real great job throughout all the game stages, last hits, hero damage, Kda, etc...


                                                    QoP snowballed hard, and you guys won game in 28mins.
                                                    Itemwise you were obviously trolling with blink and purge (Doesnt stack with manabreak, despite it not being a UAM)
                                                    Not much left to say.


                                                      difficult to snipe anyone on their team later on
                                                      not sure about the yasha
                                                      all of your lanes fed a lot
                                                      why does everyone on your team have so little tower damage?

                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                          Ability draft, carry venge. Not much to say cause ability draft lel. (As in too random)

                                                          Exit 23

                                                            Lowest hero damage with wk and 0 denies in a high skill match


                                                              44 assists x:


                                                                @Zzzz I was jungling as wk, hence why I leveled my aura first.

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  jungling wk is probably a bad idea, as proven by your gpm

                                                                  you could roam instead, get maybe less gold but make impact at least


                                                                    Yeah I was testing it, it kinda works actually but we lost map control and I kinda got shut downed.

                                                                    But yeah, it's better not going jungle as wk. He's slower than the rest.

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                                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                                      @JDF8 well kinda stompy game, anyway, well done on WK, nice HD


                                                                        Fairly good stats with your SF game. Though seeing the other team, they both had a weaker team and they weakened it further by getting 2 Midas. Well done taking advantage of that.


                                                                          Woo you played with my favourite hero

                                                                          You didn't actually have that much hero damage so you can't have got too many ults off? But might have got one or two important ones plus lots of crucial blink freezes.
                                                                          Influential in the game and supported well
                                                                          You had a glimmer cape and yet they had no dust or anything, pretty weird and bad of them

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                          Night 夜

                                                                            Nice Stats on that Wyvern, warded the shit out of that map as well, gj.
                                                                            Why doesnt it show any hero healing though?


                                                                              Nice match as spectre, carried your team hard :D

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                you won mid hard (lina had no bottle/upgraded boots, couldnt harass w/ slave), then snowballed into complete control of the map

                                                                                Not My Circus, Not My Mon...

                                                                                  bloodcyka doto, easiest rares. haven't seen the dagon eb build in a while but guess you were snowballing so hard might as well get them and farm those kills.


                                                                                    timber bro! a good timber is godly to have, wp. 4 sythes vs ember = whoopie!


                                                                                      Excellent item choices as spectre, top gold earned, last hits, xpm, gpm, damage dealt to heroes, and damage dealt to towers (6.9k!). Ideal carry in every definition of the role.

                                                                                      Overall results: Team - MVP
                                                                                      Match - best player

                                                                                      edit: This was for Nightmare's game

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                        Good game as the solo support, managed to get the 2nd highest KDA in the game especially with fragile heroes like CM, signs of good positioning.


                                                                                          Your team got memed but you had good farm.


                                                                                            Highest amount of kills, lowest amount of a very high skill match...WP Sir.

                                                                                            KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                              Nice KDA and farm on a support for a captains mode game. WP


                                                                                                nice nyx nuke.


                                                                                                  I'm gonna assume that you pulled off some game winning RPs. But your team was facing against a Rapier Gyro and still had 4 outer towers, that's quite impressive.

                                                                                                  [RR53] RR

                                                                                                    0 kills, carried by Clinkz.


                                                                                                      Pretty much, all I had to do was ward mid, stack camps and Storm+Clinkz automatically snowball due to lack of stuns. You got a nice Storm game and had an unusual AB purchase. Is that for Ursa? Game was long b/c Techies I guess.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!