General Discussion

General DiscussionIs terrorblade too strong?

Is terrorblade too strong? in General Discussion

    u r either retard or VERY RETARD

    phx is a fucking support!

    Quick maffs

      Then he is probably the worst support in the game, simple like that, because he needs lvl and his skills does 0 damage on the first lvl´s.


        terrorblade needs his life drain back

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          S&Y is bad on every heroes. You only buy it at enemy fountain.


            s&y is legit on tb.
            anyways, to anyone who thinks tb is a bad hero, you probably just haven't seen anyone good playing him, the way he should be played.

            King of Low Prio

              построить S & Y тупица


                why are you spamming russian everywhere?
                one would think you would want to hide the fact..

                King of Low Prio

                  Father Russia is proving a point


                    TOO STRONG? needs a buff imo. Make the reflection Aoe and then i'd say balanced.

                    Bone Chilling

                      @Xan he's spamming google stranslate shit =\

                      Ples Mercy

                        tb the weakest hero by far


                          161 lasthits in the first 10 mins..... eum so yeah eum what woot? clearly the best hero nowadays


                            @ Blunt @ Fnatic

                            I was expecting a well known troll like u to jump in, how long have u been playing dota can u truly tell me pls? Metamorphosis+Illusions+Ulti is more than enough and u will find out in competitive scene just wait BUT dont start making cry threads about him being imba after blunt ok? TY


                              massive damage on early lvls... against an offlaners, with a rotation from suports on early lvls can be easily a tower dive and and probably a tower down at same time.

                              Cannot see the point people are saying his laning phase is dat bad, spectre is a lot worse! Spectre's slow is weaker and spec deals less damage also. On the other side, both are quite easy to kill, even with the dagger mobility through trees, etc.

                              I see this hero on early game always using metamorphosis, getting a kill with team rotation and getting a tower really fast with that base dmg.


                                @ Blunt @ Fnatic

                                Wait for competitive matches with TB and we will talk after u dumb troll and i've said before in other shitty threads like this: Every hero depends on the player who is playing, I've seen in this forum 40% of the heroes have been called OP and IMBA ffs...and when techies arrives i'm sure 90% of the threads will be like BAN TECHIES OMG WTF CANT PLAY GG VULVA FUCK U VOLVO FUCK U GABE etc etc


                                  by the way, what do u guys think about radiance + manta to flashfarm on TB, like people use to do with Naga?


                                    nah, he needs stats. he is a hardcore carry, so none of those shenanigans is worth the time.


                                      Therycrafting. Can Lion be considered a hard counter to TB? I mean, at any point in the game he can take away both of his illusions and any other he plans on summoning in a flash and he really needs those illusions.


                               This Terroblade went skati first, what are you thoughts on that?


                                          skadi is legit as well. usually 3rd item on tb.

                                          I think lion can be counter to everyone considering he snowballs in time.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            If he had a better range on his slow i would maybe change my mind, its like naix slow but worst and the range doesnt scale, always melee.

                                            Maybe sunder without a cast animation, or more range on sunder, or better hp.

                                            Right now i dont think this hero would go in competitive, the enemy would do an early push and end of the story, plus is not like he flash farms.

                                            "Cannot see the point people are saying his laning phase is dat bad, spectre is a lot worse!"

                                            Well spectre doesnt die if a clock traps him, plus i think spectre has better hp.

                                            Anyway i think he counters melee carries pretty hard.

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!