General Discussion

General Discussionlist of people at high mmr that are garbage

list of people at high mmr that are garbage in General Discussion

    what i don't understand is why you continue to fiend games when your main is 5.3-5.4k mmr, which is stratospheric by most people's standards (high even to those sitting around 5k).

    i mean does anyone really care? so beesa has 6k mmr, it's not like people send him PMs sucking his dick because of it.


      Symphonia: don't be so sure!

      one and half gun

        point out one symptom and i wasnt the only one throwing around that word, whats with these kids obsession with me lately


          Repetitive behaviour for example. I don't care about the minor everyday dotabuff discussions, I simply don't like it when words get used wrongly like that.

          one and half gun

            hey guys everyone is an autist since we're too attached to our computers or technology XD

            one and half gun

              i played 1 ranked match and it didnt count after we won but beware of a slark picker called jorbuhalm or some shit, apparently buying dust on slark is too hard !!


                Autism = Super powers


                  LMAO thats hilarious

                  oh my goodness oxen lol


                    Who is Oxen and why you terrorize him?

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      oxen is the guy i posted earlier in the topic

                      he leaves eeverygame hes against me or anyone else that is known or relatively decent

                      the only time he stays in the same game as me is if we're on the same team


                        ^ That means he has a mancrush on you.


                          Interesting, if you query 'Oxen' into search your name pops up, are you Oxen?




                            for a while he pretended to be me

                            also stop abandoning games u waste my time


                              I dodge games when my team has muted players, and I only mute for going full retard.

                              - EDIT -
                              Added example:

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              one and half gun

                                rofl 36% winrate with es

                                is that devilish main acc or something

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!