General Discussion

General DiscussionESP is recruiting [ NA/EU/SEA/AUS ] Ongoing Weekly Tournament

ESP is recruiting [ NA/EU/SEA/AUS ] Ongoing Weekly Tournament in General Discussion





            elicious why you do this? it makes us look uncool :<


              Is this still up or available? I might have a good group of friends that would love to do this. Plus inhouse practice is always nice.

              Oh Shit Waddup

                Is this only for EU and NA? it said OZ in the title so im not sure if that includes aus or not?


                  i just applied :) why not ? :)


                    Yes it is still active, we have lots of fun in inhouse and your friends are welcome. We have inhouse for NA, EU, and OZ (and I'm about 99% certain it includes AUS), all of which are done separately, but as long as your ping allows it, you can play in any.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      @ Wink

                      i applied but i dont know how people will know how i play and commend me on the thread? :/


                        ask them to commend on your application after inhouses








                                Would like to apply but link says dotabuff page not found - what should I do now?

                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                  Try typing it in your url browser instead of clicking the link posted on dotabuff.

                                  Why did wink not make this thread?


                                    Tis extemely ol' thred

                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                      # I didnt even notice -.-


                                        There is Hael :3


                                          Thanks, I've found the page now (and maybe failed the first test ;)
                                          But before I submit my app I just wanna ask more about what you guys expect from members (I have read the handbook and esp history pages but I couldn't find info on them)

                                          - How much freedom is there within the clan? For example there are lots of mentions of inhouses. I dont mind doing these kind of things but I would only want to if I didn't feel forced e.g I don't like joining ts and then being poked and feeling guilty about choosing to play "real" dota that earns mmr and exp instead of doing the lobby. Is that considered a negative attitude within the clan?

                                          - Does the clan have an ingame dota 2 guild that you join or is it run through the website and ts more?

                                          - Is it acceptable to request parties only with those within your mmr bracket, if you feel like playing ranked (or even pubs)? I am not sure whether the clan considers this a kind of elitism, especially at higher levels [I am 2.5k, so don't expect this from me ;), but I am new to dota and feel I could be 4k + in the future, so it's good to know in advance].

                                          - Is voice communication mandatory in all parties, or does it depend on who you are partying with, and whether they are cool with text and chatwheel coms instead?

                                          In summary, I just want to know if the kind of player who likes to play with those of similar ability, likes to chat but only when they feel like they want to, and has a "play to win is play 4 fun " attitude welcome in ESP?

                                          If not, any ideas on a guild to look for? Dota does make finding guilds much harder than it should be :P


                                            I have a realy BASIC eng, should i try to join teams and competitive things?


                                              I'm too young and too horrible for this :c
                                              14 and 3k scrub

                                              Quick maffs

                                                I thought about it a good time but i dont think i have enough time ( they would just kick me after 2 weeks because i dont log in ) plus my english is terrible