General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Tai sabaki

    G: Good win rate
    B: smurf, Ebola Picker, BS picker (I dont think ebola is imbalanced though), no ranked matches, probably smurfing with friends

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    ухо таджика

      G: Good winrate
      B: Metapicker, who picks 60% wr imbalanced Omni and after that types something like "Ebola Picker, BS picker"

      Tai sabaki

        @5renzy, how is Omni even a meta hero? He wasn't even picked or banned at TI. He's the ~80th most picked hero, compared to BS who is second. And also, you can see I also have a lot of Alchemshit games who has a 40% win rate and Huskar who historically has had a bad win rate. So not a meta picker here. If I was a meta picker I would have spammed BS and Leshrac.



          G: High Slark winrate
          B: Shit winrate with most top most played and below 50% winrate

          Captain Rosh

            G: Pretty good win rate
            B: Plays mostly mid heroes


              Haha this is still going on

              #1 MC 장예은

                7/10 most played heroes are mids. Is Dendi, can confirm.


                  Good: Nice winrate!
                  Bad: Slark by far most played hero :( also bad no picture on profile!


                    Good: winrate on Lich, only 5 abandons
                    Bad: KDA and overall winrate, normal skill

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                      Good: Seems to do really well in very high skill matches
                      Bad: Seem to only play cores most of the time


                        well last game I was silencer support in dual offlane


                          G - Above 50% winrate on top 9 heroes

                          B - highest kills is only 32

                          (To navi not Reese)


                            G : Non stop play for 3 weeks.

                            B : Seems like a smurf :<


                              Good: Support picker!
                              Good 2: Never played Techies <3

                              Bad: Only a few games played in the last months

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                Good: Amazing winrates with all your top heroes except 1
                                Bad: Weak kda overall, you should try to not die too much with supports, even if sometimes dying means winning ur team roshan or the fight or preventing a game

                                Keep up the good work


                                  Saou... if a supports death causes a team to take a teamfight or roshan they should be eager to die.


                                    Always depends on the situation!


                                      Good: Plays every position and seems to excel at all of them!
                                      Bad: Invoker winrate could use a hand :(

                                      Mean Machine

                                        G: good winrates
                                        B: normal skill bracket

                                        Hungry God

                                          Good : U got an esports profile
                                          Bad: Your team lost often

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                          Dark ^^

                                            Good: U dont have pudge in top of ur dotabuff
                                            Bad: U play every day :(


                                              Good: apparently you dont focus that much on future mmr despite...

                                              Bad: are a smurf

                                              King Dave

                                                Good: not meta heroes played. Good win rates on them.
                                                51% win rate over that many games is impressive! Especially whilst not abusing opa heroes.

                                                Bad: how can you play 700 timber saw games! xD
                                                The 8% difference in dire to radiant win rate is ridiculous, need to abuse the rosh advantage more.


                                                  good: good enigma and wraith king winrate

                                                  bad: 48% sf and 36% axe


                                                    Good: Tryhard doto Earth Spirit and meepo :D

                                                    Bad: That winrate in Russia makes sense there :D


                                                      Positives: Good winrate playing mid/carry heroes. Trying to actively climb the mmr ladder.

                                                      Negatives:Little experience playing supports other than lich. Picked sniper a lot back in the HOO HOO HAHA era.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        G : Relayy good WR on pudge, must be dendi. seems like ur trying play mid moarr. Gud luckk!
                                                        B : that sub 50 winrate


                                                          Good: <3 meepo picker

                                                          Bad: low games played..need more..MORE DOTA


                                                            Good: Nice, I like support pickers <3

                                                            Bad: Sometimes scepter is not the best item :D


                                                              Good: Zeus God with dagger and last few games veil

                                                              Bad: 44% winrate the most played hero (by far)


                                                                G: Great win rate with Invoker

                                                                B: You seem to take quite a lot mid heroes, but bottle is not one of the most used items.


                                                                  G - zues winrate

                                                                  B - winrate overall is below 50%


                                                                    G: 30 kill game
                                                                    B: Normal skill


                                                                      G : dat lesh spam
                                                                      B : GAAAY TINKER> seriously, your roles are stricted to mid only.

                                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                          g - overall winrate

                                                                          B - techies player


                                                                            g - shrek (nice job carrying bro)
                                                                            b - shrek (fucking smurf)


                                                                              G - High Winrates on top heros
                                                                              B - Flavor of the month hero picker

                                                                              Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

                                                                                G - Crystal Maiden <3 (The best thing on your profile)
                                                                                B - too much pudge for my taste, but it seems to work

                                                                                Love, sex, dreams

                                                                                  Good win rate with top hero's

                                                                                  plays almost only carry


                                                                                    G - nice storm games
                                                                                    B - tinker winrate

                                                                                    G ride

                                                                                      G- wr overall
                                                                                      B- Nonstats recourded WR


                                                                                        G - 60+% WR in 3 most played heroes
                                                                                        B - 41% NP WR


                                                                                          G: Mostly Support heros.
                                                                                          B: Smurf.


                                                                                            G: Ta, win streak, win rate this month

                                                                                            B: Pudge, sniper, highest gpm only 879

                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                              G: Solid core player, pretty consistent and healthy amount of dota per day, plays w/ havoc and triplesteal, good KDA's on all your most played heroes

                                                                                              B: Looks like you can't support to save your life, low highest hero healing (but you rarely play supports in the first place so it's k), low winrates against lesh, silencer, slark, and wyvern

                                                                                              Шабит Хапаев 546

                                                                                                G: Nice pic. Nice WR
                                                                                                B: Furion isn`t Hero


                                                                                                  good: nice winrate on weaver

                                                                                                  bad: that slark winrate and kda, fuckin


                                                                                                    G:Decent Winrates KDA on main heroes
                                                                                                    B:Meepo picker

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!