General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Zeus winrate, good success with Meepo.

    Bad: Most played hero with less than 50% winrate.

    Carlton Dry

      G: Epic support skills

      B: Not as good on dire

      Optimus Drip

        G: nice winrate.
        B: low games which makes me think smurf. in which case you are still normal skill.


          G: decent winrates and KDAs all around
          B: ew, techies (you seem like a decent one at least)


            G: I... Uhm... Hmm like your personality
            B: smurfing and only playing with the least fun hero at this moment


              G: Plays magina allot

              B: Has a better magina winrate than mine ('T-T)


                G: Slowly getting to VHS
                B: KDAs on some of your carry heroes aren't really good


                  G: epic winstreak
                  B: the only loss that can be found basing on the info of the first page of your db profile is a game with me in Friends this week tab. sorry.


                    G: picks timber and actually wins, I might be in love with u
                    B:next level failfish invoker


                      good: nice furion winrate and nice ranked winrate

                      bad: 48% winrate on slark PogChamp


                        good: dis nigga knows how to play ebola spirit. decent winrate and kda with most heroes too

                        bad: dis nigga cant play a good juggernaut to save his own life.


                          g sf and Almost all heros over 50%

                          B. Sad tinker boys (maybe u play him too agresive?)


                            ^ lol yea i suck with that hero back when I was 2k

                            g: insane winrate with earthspirit and a good winrate over all.

                            b: invoker and pudge be sad with them winrates

                            Optimus Drip

                              g: good winrates on top heroes....
                              B: except tinker, your most played.

                              EDIT: since i said the exact same things

                              g: bloodseeker wins in a row. nice
                              B: hehe ima hammer this one in hard fuck yo tinker play:D:D

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              YutaxTV on TTV

                                G: : nice record 2hours and 32 minutes thats insane
                                B: techies player, u take away fun from this game


                                  + u got an Esport profile!
                                  - normal skill


                                    Bad losing streak

                                    Good with alot of heros


                                      slowly improving over last 3 months, recommend increasing volume of ranked matches played as well as consistency.

                                      Optimus Drip

                                        G: cm winning streak
                                        B: lion winrate.


                                          G : so manly axe 59%.
                                          B : i hate all techies player


                                            G: High enigma win rate (i lost 80% of the time when i have enigma on my team)
                                            B: No supports :D


                                              G: Regular support player with Very High skill
                                              B: 43 games so far this week :-o (there's more to life than DOTA), BS picker

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                              rip phillip

                                                g: support player thats nice to see
                                                B: sub 50% wr and normal skill like me :(((

                                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                    G : wow ember spirit, i myself dont know how to play that hero
                                                    B : techies picker, whats up with so many no-stats recorded match?

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                      + dat win streak!! so sexy.
                                                      - 11 losing streak


                                                        G: Wide hero pool at VH skill

                                                        B: Sniper Picker


                                                          +furion winrate
                                                          - normal/highskill brac


                                                            + decent mid player , with nice magnus win streak
                                                            - 469 gpm for a mid player, seems lacking to me.

                                                            puni puni butt UWU

                                                              pick zeus win game???

                                                              40 something winrate with pa. not very lucky i guess


                                                                g: damn u a tinker playa pretty solid winrate for the number of games u got

                                                                b: shitloads of normal skill games. DEY DONT COUNT D:


                                                                  G: good winrates on high skill mids, Kate Upton has huge tits.

                                                                  B: tinker winrate not that great.

                                                                  lm ao




                                                                      G: good leshrac player

                                                                      B: dat kda


                                                                        g: vhs smurf i guess
                                                                        b: unremarkable for a core only account

                                                                        John Matrix

                                                                          G: looks like a solid good carry
                                                                          B: not the best void


                                                                            G: my eye stuck at the dazzle games played with that winrate, very nice indeed. and supp picker.
                                                                            B: idk what to say to a support, u seems experienced, so the loss/bad winrate might come from bad teammates, keep up the good work mate!

                                                                            Optimus Drip

                                                                              G:61% winrate?! crazy brah
                                                                              B: get a better top deny score


                                                                                G : so manly axe. oh god YOU GET NOTHING
                                                                                B : so many 40%'s and techies player.


                                                                                  Very nice Enigma build, I'll have to look into that ;D
                                                                                  Zeus as most kills record is just boring


                                                                                    G: Plays a lot of CM, one of my favorite supports
                                                                                    B: Also willingly picks Viper :(


                                                                                      Those were the noobie days for me :P Viper so boring hero after learning the game ahahaha

                                                                                      Nasty win rate with Crystal Maiden, keep up the good work! (also other supports have great win rates too)
                                                                                      Mirana and Lina as supports maybe dont work as well, try to play em as semi carries till you get better?


                                                                                        G: over 50% on all top heroes except ginger

                                                                                        B: i dont wanna play against ur venom as templar :c

                                                                                        fuck valorant

                                                                                          g: seems like a very experienced mid player
                                                                                          b: rubick wr :((


                                                                                            G:top heroes decent winrate
                                                                                            B:normal skil


                                                                                              g: crushing people's dreams in normal matchmaking with your stacks
                                                                                              b: seems like you realised all random is an easy way to get wins with a competent stack, hardly any ranked games lately


                                                                                                g: solid ranked winrate
                                                                                                b: Good winrate on certain heroes

                                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                  g: sick win rate, imba meepo

                                                                                                  b: normal skills after 1k+ games


                                                                                                    G: Good ta and you haven't played cancerous heroes like techies and ebola

                                                                                                    B: invoker, am

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!