General Discussion

General Discussionwhy not everyone starts from herald

why not everyone starts from herald in General Discussion

    why dota rank dont start from herald so that everyone can climb to their real rank.

    Kabir singh's bo0ster

      Cause some players would have to stomp to many games to get to their rank which is point of calibration, if u calibrate too high u fall, if u calibrate too low u climb.


        bc the game can tell who is dogshit and who isn't complete dogshit

        '96 Neve Campbell

          because then lower mmr lobbies would be full of fucking undercalibrated players stomping scrubs and the community would reduce in size? what a fucking moronic idea


            why not everyone starts from immortal top 1 so that everyone can drop to their real rank.

            Where is my Hu Tao

              Legend 3 is where everyone starts at assuming they answer I played dota before when the question comes up. from there every standard deviation is how much you climb or fallen.