General Discussion

General DiscussionZeus 7.14

Zeus 7.14 in General Discussion
Mikha Lim~

    This guy has been buffed so many times that this guy is becoming so annoying to play against. He's one of those unique late game heroes who provide insane burst and utility. Icefrog is pushing this guy to the competitive meta but failed countless times because he just cant push towers unlike other mids. One more buff and this guy will be the cancer of future patches. Near 60% winrate on all brackets is just stupid on a mid hero. His Aghanim's upgrade just provided this guy the ability to split push and scout huge amounts of area. Still they continue to buff him multiple times.

    Lruce Bee

      One of the reasons why this game is dying. The pro and pub meta continues to become more polarized and it brcomes harder to balance pub game fun and competitive Dota. It's obvious what the frog once to achieve which is to make Dota into profitable esports miracle. However this is at the cost of ruining game for regular players. 1k meta has been crap for the longest time.


        There are three magical words that can bring anyone from <1k to >5k, you know. It's so simple, you'd wonder how it was so hard after all this time. Now, brace yourselves, as these words may shock you:

        "Git gud, scrub."


          .... except Zeus has 55% win rate in over 5K games... so I guess those scrubs should also git gud.

          Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

            Why do they keep buffing braindead heroes ? I don;t get it ...........

            Lruce Bee

              As Long as you see 55-60% wr heroes that aren't being picked in pro, you know there's something wrong with this game.

              Lruce Bee

                Doesn't help that Zeus is such a god damn brain dead hero and so skilleless and also anti fun. buffing him so he is somehow relevant is just going to ruin the game further.


                  i mean he is a weak laner with no inherent escape or survivability skill... just pick tusk and run him down over and over again in the mid lane, then end game at 22 minutes^^ just like sf is xD

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    so easy to punish


                      Zeus is an ok hero. Id rather play against him than Tinker or Visage. Its just nimbus that make this hero so good.

                      Pale Mannie

                        someone buys pipe


                          When I was in 2k I loved using him. When I reached 3k, he was often focused upon by carries like slark and am. Well, once those carries are out of sight, he is very viable in 3k+ mmr. There are still people who do not evade his lightning properly during laning stage. They are not coordinated enough to gank u sometimes. Well if you try play him in 5k mmr...........


                            Ive expirimented with zeus support ( im 5k) and ive noticed that is a really powerful support _IN DEALING DAMAGE_ and ofc revealing. But ive lost games since lack of utility. Need to make sure I have enough disables and utility in team before picking it, which is difficult since u probably have to second or third pick ur support in soloque


                              Tbh, i find zeus very annoying to lane against, sure he cant deny creeps, but u cant deny his creeps either cuz his lvl 1 arc lightning deals more damage than my auto attacks


                                he is good but not broken


                                  If you are good at invoker just pick invoker, he is so bullshit against Zeus - if Zeus stays in lane he just denies creeps with his 120 damage autos while farming a Midas and then regening off all harass with blue balls - if Zeus leaves lane to gank then invoker takes his tower then rotates and gets more kills, plus invoker can just sit mid and toss out sunstrike every 20 seconds to secure kills while Zeus ultimate has a 100 second cooldown. Don’t worry the zeus’ team will never ever gank the invoker even though Zeus has a good kill potential at level 7. They’ll just let the invoker keep farming his 15 minute Midas and agh and then go on to lose even though they’re playing with a guy who used to have a 70% winrate on Zeus until he matched up against some invokers and his team fucked up by never ever tanking the invoker once and are then surprised when they lose and fuck up a good Zeus players amazing winrate in the process.

                                  Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                    Zeus was meta some time ago... just stop whining or play the hero instead :v


                                      you can deny like 2-3 of his creeps everytime,just let other creeps be low also