General Discussion

General DiscussionGot only one VHS game.Only getting HS games sad new ID

Got only one VHS game.Only getting HS games sad new ID in General Discussion

    When am i gonna get Very High Skill games i am winning games even 3 vs 5 still in High skill feelsbadman


      u dont need vhs anymore, 3.5k is the cap lol, even if u get 3.2k - 3.4 k, u will climb easily if ur a vhs player


        No not sad. Embarassing reality is the term

        no tilt

          yeah its impossible to not calibrate at 3500


            hmm i am a dota 1 player recently started dota 2 if the cap is 3500 mmr ok then i do understand. But i did c some ppl getting very high skill games in new ids so i was confused

            no tilt

              You can face divine players in calibration, it still hardcaps you to 3500

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                dumb people put on vhs mate i met them before.
                if you're good player gaben will put you on 3k bracket and so on he will put you down to 2k and see if you're an good player to climb up again this dota 2 is full of surprise mate so i choose to climb up again just dont give up.