General Discussion

General DiscussionOmni as a viable safelane carry in 7.13

Omni as a viable safelane carry in 7.13 in General Discussion
Choose Goose


    I like the changes to 7.13 with the buff to strength heroes. I'm curious about Omniknight's ability to safelane carry effectively in this edition. It seems with the +90 gold buff at level 10, +90 damage at 15, +3 mana regen or 12% slow at 20 he snowballs well. I've also used this build going mid and offlane but it seems to go best as a safelane with a wandering support.

    Typically my games go like this (dramatization):

    The enemy approaches their offlane, unsure of what combination of enemies of the other team will await them... then alas! They're faced witha a proud Omniknigh who vies for last hits, and who denies creeps while standing his ground. The enemy may scoff, and bless their lucky stars for having such an easy prey, but is he? As the enemy approaches for a last hit the Omni charges, and fells three hammerblows before they get to the creep line. This dance continues until the Omni reaches level 3, when his heal is an effective weapon. Now when the enemy approaches for a hit, the degen aura kicks in, the hammer falls, and the wash of purification takes the enemy out of the fight, and the Omni back to near full health again... This will not be an easy foe after all.

    What this build does is called "Drop the Hammer". By Dropping the Hammer Omniknight makes unsuspecting foes believe they can go toe-to-toe with the hammer wielding medic when they cant. After a few short hammerfalls the enemy will begin to realize they are losing the tit-for-tat, and they haven't even felt the purifying wrath of his heal yet. As the laning phase continues Omni's attack speed builds up to a crescendo of last hits and denies leaving the opponents baffled and starved of gold so often they'll meander off to ineffectively farm neutral camps, leaving the Omni to continue farming alone. The enemy may think 'but whats the harm, it's just an Omniknight?'. Left alone or not, once Omni hits level 10, and by 10 minutes in, he should have his Maelstrom.
    Now the omni happily can bash at the creep line and laugh as the opponents are bathed in chain lightning! The lane is quickly abandoned, and Omni continues to farm. Once he reaches level 15 he obtains +90 damage, and with luck has his S&Y by 20 minutes in.
    Now Omni's move speed is effective, and his damage output is enough to turn the tide of battle in team fights. Omni now helps his team push towers and lanes until he saves 2k gold for his first hyperstone. This will escalate his farming abilities to allow him to finish forging Mjollnir in a matter of a minute, and collect his Boots of Travel in the few minutes after.
    Now Omni's move speed is in the 470's, and he's a Chaotic Good banshee of justice seeking prey to fell his hammer upon. At this point another $2k of gold coin comes easily for his second hyperstone for his AC. Omni completes his AC, and now his hammers are dropping so fast that even Juggernaut cant keep up.
    The game will be nearing the end at this point but Omni is not through yet. He needs to continue the push to buy his Daedalus. Now Omni's attack speed is out of this world but his damage-per-swing is having trouble keeping up with his tanky foes... No more. The Daedalus makes Omni pound supports into the ground and wack the enemy cores back to their fountainous graves with ease. The hammers fall upon the enemies Ancient in a sweet harmonious melody of victory.

    Item Build:
    2 iron branches
    1 mango
    1 tango
    stout shield
    Once your team secures two bounty runes buy magic wand
    Brown boots
    Boots of Travel
    Assault Curiass (Or MKB if going against PA)

    I like to max out degen aura and purification back-to-back until both are level 4 unless I'm laning against someone like Tinker then I'll get one point into Repel. After level 10 I get Guardian Angel twice in a row.

    Examples of omnipotent light:

    1. 3826790536

    2. 3828402003

    3. 3836817519

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Idc what u do in ur free time but don't act like this is serious or spread it to anyone dumb enough to try this in ranked

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      Choose Goose

        I win in ranked with this.


          You have 50% winrate on Omniknight.


            i can see it work as lastpick pos1, or as firstpick in <4k because nobody will figure out you are pos1.

            90% of your solo pubs you will discourage your own team by picking pos1 omni, which lowers your chance of winning drastically. not because its bad, but because pros dont do it (yet?) and plebs only play what they see in TI

            why no BF in your build?! bf, s&y, ac sounds more solid than your build imo

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              This is all real, people; look at the games. Next thing you know, we'll see QOPs with blink dagger, rikki's with silver edge, and slarks with hurricane pike.

              Pointy Shoes

                I like people who experiment. The few times I have played omni as core I have gone for heavens halberd and radiance. I kind of like to play him like a utility core but I'm going to try your build.


                  Its okay honestly, works as a timing carry sorta like venge

                  People are idiots, i have people flaming me whenever i pick carry bb in solo and they just try to micromanage my item builds the whole game

                  SASA POPOVIC

                    People want to win games and increase their MMR, that is number 1 eeason they play ranked and not normal match.

                    So first thing they see something out of the meta and different they gonna start with "omg noob reported" "wtf???"" " GG, go thorne"

                    They rely on pro meta too much but nobody plays like pro so they rage. Dota is a fun game :)


                      nah i play with pros and they're idiots like that too

                      Choose Goose

                        Melt - I used to get BF on Omni but I started losing more matches with it. I think it makes it difficult to scale, he needs the continual growth to keep up with who he’s laning against and the S&Y is an easy to buy and scalable item. Plus the chain lightning off of Mjollnir with Omni’s attack speed wipes creep waves with ease.

                        Hupples - I do have a 50% win rate but there was a lot of experimenting going on, as well as facing teammates who work against this build due to their willful ignorance about the power of the hammer.

                        Chromo Cat, isn’t blink a core item for QOP already?

                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                          VP's Ramses did pull off the carry omni against Secret during DAC this year.

                          Still, they had a hard time closing out the game and it went to 70 minutes.

                          So it's probably a situational and highly tempo-dependent pickup like the Zenoth said.

                          I'd think in most games, there are other carries you can pick against most lineups which can close out the game faster and/or scale better.


                            he got nerfed so hard you can barely situationally pick him as offlane now

                            can you pick him as carry in legend? yeah, you can pick anything as carry in legend and make it work

                            i would say if the past 3 patches of nerfs were reversed it would be at least worth considering in anything higher than legend but not rn


                              like the issue with omni has always been that there's a few really really reall yhard counters that make your life hard

                              safelane omni is going to struggle against most offlaners at best and at worse someone will pick Razor offlane AND they'll have an actual safelaner AND they'll have an actual mid and you'll be stuck with two offlaners and a mid vs that


                                It's barley even a situational pick get over it

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Ramzes does it and I lost to it in at least two occasions in a tournament, so its definitely not a meme. it is good with another carry in midlane.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    how will omni struggle against offlaners? he can shit on like 80% of them.

                                    Choose Goose

                                      Watch one of those three games Mr. Poopybutthole and you’ll see it’s far from situational.


                                        There r a lot of experimental builds and shit but the problem is they're so situational imo that's it not worth considering unless ur high enough skill to know when that build is actually viable


                                          >it's not situational
                                          >he shits on 80% of offlaners
                                          great boys i'm gonna expect you guys to play omni carry every game then because according to you there's definitely no reason not to play him in that way so go for it i'd love to be proven wrong it's your mmr on the line

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            are you actually retarded

                                            Choose Goose

                                              Rain, I’ll be the first person to agree that Omni carry can get countered, like every other hero in the game. The Razer situation definitely hurts Omni, so does a late game Invoker, Terrorblade does too. I don’t think there’s any heroes that don’t have a hard counter so I don’t believe anyone is making that claim. Name any safe lane carry and we can all rattle off a list of heroes that can effectively counter them.

                                              The advantage you do have with Omni is the feign. You can select Omni as a first pick and your opponents will assume you’re the team support, and probably won’t mold their team to counter the enemy’s support like they would for the enemies hard carry. Omni carry has a layer of deception that can throw your opponents off enough for you to capitalize on and score a victory for yourself.


                                                i'm definitely retarded dee keep talking shit about heroes you don't play in situations you'd never play him in based solely on the fact that you lost to it twice like that's an actual sample size


                                                  like there's only one thing that's going to bring out whether he can be good as a safelane carry and it's if you actually play him as one

                                                  that idea seems awful to me as i've made repeatedly clear and it seems awful to most players considering no one is doing it so don't insult people because you don't want to put your own points on the line to defend your line of thought - no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to say dumb shit lmao

                                                  but go ahead, don't test it out and prove me wrong, go straight to the name calling it's the best way to help your case apparently

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    you are the one saying dumb shit here. no one said its "not situational". and me not playing the hero is not fucking relevant. i have seen it done very few times and every time it has won the game. its not a gigantic sample size but at the same time you cant call shit when you have literally no idea how it even works. you are shitting on the idea and everyone who defends it just because you think so highly of yourself, like you know everything. so just fuck off.


                                                      Idk he has no reliable disable but he has a slow which can be countered by phase boots
                                                      I've only encountered him once while offlaning as tide versus him and disruptor and I felt ok I didn't struggle but the lane was weird. I won that game and omni had little to no impact probably bad itemisation?

                                                      I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                        visage spammer talking??

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          ^we all know this is your smurf mista deeeee


                                                            In one of the small compshop tournaments I played in, we took a game off of a team of 4-5K MMR people(higher than our team, which is why I'm proud about it) because I drafted a lastpick pos1 omni for my carry. It was hilarious how they were semi-salty after the game when we shook hands: "ggwp, but fuck your draft carry omni"
                                                            Personally, the times I've played with and against it, carry Omni feels like a melee version of carry Venge.


                                                              only an idiot would attempt to trade against omniknight 1v1

                                                              ur more likely to play against cw and get repeatedly cog burned or some dumb shit and then be a slightly good creep for the first 7.5 minutes

                                                              lone dog

                                                                and then u get hit with the legendary tranqs euls pipe offlane razor and your meme omni build goes to the dumpster


                                                                  Or you pick it late into a favourable matchup like a smart boii


                                                                    even if it might be very situationally viable, brown boots in maelstrom is most definetly not the item build.

                                                                    why is everyone in 3k skipping power threads and walks around with brown boots for 40 minutes?


                                                                      Good luck with pos1 omni vs tb:)


                                                                        If your pos 1 hero build involves getting a gold talent as standard then it’s probably not a great pos 1 hero.


                                                                          against omni as pos 3 tide what a meme game

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            I actually don’t like omni as a support any more. His range got nerfed a lot. You need to be very close to get your ult off and if you are support you usually aren’t tanky enough to do that. And then your aura is also worthless. I think radiance is the build though for carry Omni then just survive as long as possible.


                                                                              The best build for this is mask of madness sny


                                                                                I mean at your mmr, you could probably go with safelane techie hard carry