General Discussion

General Discussionhow to counter axe blademail

how to counter axe blademail in General Discussion
NlGGER (mute+core only)

    how to counter axe blademail?

    Ten temat był edytowany
    Pale Mannie

      like this and like that


        Are you serious?


          Stop attaking for 5 seconds :D also you can buy a nullifier to stop the enemy from actviating their blade males


            You can buy an Aeon Disk


              Eul. SD. OD. Venge. Disruptor. Tuskar. Bane. WW.

              Maybe i missed something.


                Don't hit it?


                  u can get Satanic on Core heroes
                  some ppl use Ethereal blade or ghost scepter on heroes that does insane physical dmg with skills like sniper ultimate
                  also u can get eul too and use it on hero that activated blade mail
                  also u can get bkb on heroes with high magic dmg for example if u get bkb on Crystal Maiden and u use bkb and then ur ultimate blade mail deals no damage to u
                  umm and Armor is pretty good an Item like ac will make u take less dmg for example u do 1k physical dmg but since u have Ac enemy will take more than 1k dmg and after Blade mail returns the dmg since u have armor u take less dmg
                  Armor items on Physical Heroes + Satanic and Bkb, Eul, Ethereal Blade on magical heroes
                  and sry for my bad english

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    Axe blademail makes u hit it
                    That's what he is talking abt
                    If ur the one getting called then buy armor or satanic.
                    If ur someone trying to save someone else from getting called, then the above mentioned strats mentioned by @talker work, along with eblade, decrep. Venge seems to not fit in but the rest work.
                    countering ur own magic dmg isn't a problem if axe call forcing u to auto attack into blademail is the problem

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      Manta dodge the call, and stop complaining


                        does increasing your armor vs axe bm as a phy core really that works? seems like many other better alternatives


                          Use heaven's halberd on yourself LuL


                            Blademail returns dmg the same type as u inflict, and that dmg is reduced by whatever resistance u have
                            So if u deal physical dmg, and an opponent blademails u, u will take less dmg the more armor u have
                            If u deal magical dmg and an opponent blademails u, u will take less dmg the more magic resistance u have


                              stop feeding axe and start killing him before he can taunt blade mail U dah!


                                If anyone uses Euls on Axe, no one can do damange on him, so you also can't get damage from Blade Mail. Buy Euls, if you are sure that you are safe from his Berserker Call, so you can safe your mates or tell your supports to buy Euls


                                  yea but you still got disabled and get helix dmg,it's not that good i think

                                  michael sassbender

                                    I play a lot of axe, when cores build hp like heart or skadi its generally a lot harder to solo kill them

                                    Lruce Bee

                                      For yourself tank up with hp and Armour. Usually skadi and other stats items is goood. If you have fast reactions, can reliably predict when you are gonna be called, silver edge, Satanic, manta can all mitigate his dmg in different ways. If you totally trust your teammates get someone to buy euls. Euls is so most effective way. Or if your teammates have spells like disrupt /astral.

                                      Other less prominent ways includes a Friend e-blading you


                                        its not that blademail that you should worry about, its the Counter Helix which is pure. if you are attacking, can be counter by Nullifier. for support, can be counter euls or forcestaff.


                                          Tell your supports to get eul, build tanky with armour/regen/hp instead of raw damage.

                                          chicken spook,,,,




                                            Not being a moron


                                              Silver edge does not reduce dmg anymore

                                              michael sassbender

                                                stops axe from spinning tho ^

                                                Bill Cutting

                                                  Eul’s scepter


                                                    Dont get blink called


                                                      Chrono him, then u Teleport lul

                                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                        Not being a moron



                                                          pugna's decrepify and Eblade also stop you being able to attack axe. Like using euls on him it turns call into an aoe stun instead of a taunt.
                                                          Best solution though is to get vision so you can see him coming and disable his blink so he cant jump on you. Or at the least make sure he can't call multiple people.


                                                            subscribe to dota plus for $3.99 a month! gg ax bm


                                                              just dont fucking get called :-D
                                                              hcheck where axe is and dont go there, simple as that^^

                                                              MUTED :)

                                                                aeon disk ez