General Discussion

General Discussionartifact be free to play pls

artifact be free to play pls in General Discussion

    can samwan make a petition about this


      As long as it isn't horribly pay2win I don't care about paying to play.


        but i care aloooot,pay to play it means i need to ask samwan for moni
        i wan to cry

        how they moneymaking:
        yes,with the animated cards and different art
        not op rare cards also doable,like in shadowverse (well..dont know bout now)

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          CCG isnt the best platform for a free game honestly

          Its going to follow the same business model as hearthstone, yugioh, Magic the gathering, presumably, by releasing new sets and eveantully making a "banlist" for older sets when the game has progressed enough so people keep buying new packs.

          Will be interesting if they decide to make the game one time payment and make you have to do quests/campaigns/etc to unlock newer sets though, but I highly doubt it.


            i like the art, haven't seen gameplay doe


              i like most of card games gameplay,whatever how they make it
              sadly,the stuff that i dont want to play them is just it's not fully strategical anymore if ppl have cards you can't counter at all or have those disgusting meta but super rare cards

              talking about card games,i like mabinogi duel for pretty long
              it has a seriously nice story mode,pretty many deck buildups (not just one or two meta decks,you can literally win with deck that is some basic cards or something,called aggro strat,and you can make it from like many different cards too [they have 5 elements] )

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              Lhinda's Hangover

                what's the point in making it free to play like hearthstone which still costs loads of money if you want to reach a high rank? you HAVE to spend money in free to play card games, so paying upfront is not a big deal, it will mos likely give you a lot of cards + hopefully some way to earn cards. If you don't have money, sorry but card games are not for you, it's honestly as simple as that, so get over it, sorry.

                t. a financially troubled Magic The Gathering player of >5 years


                  or go play ygopro instead :D


                    Valve has said that they strongly want to avoid pay to win.

                    It was an official statement somewhere.


                      Hope they wont make costly af advanture like hearthstone. Its basically the only downside of the game except for fucking releasing the standard and wild mode just after i craft dr boom


                        okay,i will never touch card games ever again

                        that said,i quit heartstone after 2 weeks of playing since i know the system is pretty stupid
                        and i got into rank 1(like top rank,but not the top of the game) on mabi duel too.. so i want card games that are free and not pay to play! i believe in you volvo!


                          I'm okay with pay to play as long as its not a huge price and we get some decent starting stuff. The reasons Gaben gave make sense.
                          They're very much against pay to win since they want it to be a viable esport (they've already stated there will be a 1 million dollar tournament in the first quarter of 2019)
                          They also stated that the power of a card will not be linked to rarity (so it wont be like yugioh or hearthstone where the most powerful card in a deck is super rare and thus costs hundreds of dollars to obtain)

                          If you're curious about more information you can visit the artifact reddit. They have a video of the interview with Gaben there in one of the posts as well as other posts detailing all confirmed and suspected information.


                            @Icebear Yugioh doesn't ban out older cards, only cards that are too powerful, unbalanced or abusable in infinite loops. I know magic and some other games do have rotating cardlists where old cards are no longer allowed after a new set comes out but i really hope artifact doesn't follow that method. There should also be no reason to ban any card in a digital card game as in theory you could just buff or nerf it accordingly

                            Ygopro The Dawn of a New Era is pretty much the best game client to play Yugioh with all the cards free. I assume that's the client you were referring to? You can even select your rules there so if you don't want to play with Link rules or pendulum rules you can host a game without them.


                              It looks great, and has some machanis that will make it much less on random shit happening and much more strategy focused


                                yes,i'm pretty okay with it too but cmon
                                whyyyyyy you broke the tradition of your online games free


                                  Its not really a tradition since CS GO costs money


                                    right,i forgot about csgo being paid because i got gifted by a friend


                                      i just hope that there'll be someway besides playing for 24/7 or paying a fortune to be able to win at this game


                                        i'm sure they wont make it like a clash royale,in valve we trust!


                                          haha clash royale how to play melondoto with clash royale cards


                                            i mean how they progress by playing 24/7 or paying a fortune lol


                                              GabeN said it'll be pay-to-play but not pay-to-win.
                                              I wrote an article on it btw, check it out:

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                                                i'm actually thinking it will have the same price as csgo