General Discussion

General DiscussionTell me morphling isn't OP

Tell me morphling isn't OP in General Discussion

    I love it

    Story Time

      MORPHLING ISN'T OP, but u love it. So now what?


        you know a hero is OP when its 55% wr in 5k without a functioning ult.


          thankfully scrups dont know how to play the hero


            I think there are still a few bugs with the hero, some which disadvantage you and some which give you an advantage. So his winrate isn't an amazing representation of how good the hero is. But based on what the hero is theoretically meant to do, it think its safe to say he's strong and bordering on OP.


              The ulti is so bad, icefrog basically just took power from his ulti and gave it to morph/adaptive.


                The drop in his winrate was from the change of adaptive strike from one ability into two. That changed the keys of the rest of his abilities, especially attribute shift. Lower tier players couldn't adapt to it quickly, but clearly 5k+ have.

                His ult change was with an intention to make him more fight oriented, rather than split push. That's definitely the case now. You build threads instead of BOTs, even get the extra range on waveform. It's definitely hard to use, especially if you morph into a low HP hero and get burst down. I had a morph in my team who had no idea what to do with it, but I've had success with it playing it myself. Heroes like Mirana, Pudge, Riki have good non-ultimate skills that can throw the enemy off.

                However, I do find a serious lack of mana on the hero now, despite attribute shift not needing mana. I guess it's just the number of spells you end up using so often.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  the ulti would be actually good if it gave you the abilities of the hero you cast it on AND NOTHING ELSE. everything else is the same, it just replaces your abilities.


                    I used it to great effect by copying undying, using tombstone and decay and immediately going back to morphling
                    The other thing it's useful for is buffs, if u can use stuff like strafe, metamorphosis, grave chill, rabid, tree grab, howl, and even static link then just go back to morph it's nice
                    That being said it's still not a truly ULTIMATE worthy skill


                      Morph is a really situational pick now u cant just pick cause u like it ur gonna lose thats why the wr is low

                      casual gamer

                        u just morph into hero like ogre/omni/magnus, cast buff on urself, stun if u have it, then change back

                        or waveform onto centaur/windrunner type hero, ult stun and turn back instantly


                          you can first pick this hero and win every game, it's a joke


                            Morphling good hero boys.


                              u just morph into hero like ogre/omni/magnus, cast buff on urself, stun if u have it, then change back
                              or waveform onto centaur/windrunner type hero, ult stun and turn back instantly

                              True, but that's exactly the type of gameplay that causes you to have such low mana most of the time. Agreed, teamfighting is good, but the hero needs something like a 400 mana talent at level 15 or something.

                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                What kind of heroes don't even use their ultimate?


                                  I love morph <3

                                  The DarKNovA

                                    The problem with his ult, and those "little useful things you just do and then transform back" is that the cooldown is pretty damn high for something like that until 18th level. Especially at 6th, it won't come online again until laning phase is over.
                                    Best thing it can do is now occasional plays, or having someone like Tiny in team, and one waveform into enemy lines do 500% splash damage right away, since 5 waveform attacks will use the tiny tree buff.

                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      Morphling isn't OP.


                                        how is morph rlly situational
                                        in fact since mana burn isnt as much of a counter he is definitely less situational
                                        that being said he got silence as a hard counter but u can just go pike manta and be fine, bkb if rlly needed

                                        casual gamer

                                          the power of ur ult depends greatly on the enemy team

                                          that being said hes just good now i think

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            not so after this patch.