General Discussion

General DiscussionNew ranking System

New ranking System in General Discussion

    Its simoular to hearthstone ranking System.
    Hf bois <3


      i dont play hearthstone, how does it work?


        You get 1 Star per win and lose 1 Star per loss. Its very simple you can have Best rank in 35 games winstreak.

        me, government hooker

          is mmr completely gone now or what?
          also, im assuming theres no bonus stars for winning streaks


            4k here i come, last 40 ranked matches i lost 6 or 7

            thats actually so good...boosted kids wil drop so fast

            me, government hooker

              u cant drop divisions


                " A Seasonal Rank Medal never decreases in rank once you’ve achieved it. Initial calibration games will be seeded roughly based on your previous skill."

                I guess this means your medal rank never decreases, but do the stars decrease?

                  Ten komentarz został usunięty
                  Mlada i Luda

                    yes, the stars decrease for sure. but ithink even the rank medal dont decrease, if you go in a loosing streak after you lost all stars, valve will count those , and you will need to get same amount of wins to get again your first star of the medal . this is my opinon idont know shit for sure . lul.

                    at least this is how it works in another online shity game i used to play .

                    about the number , maybe it will still remain but , maybe mmr will be some "occult " shit now same like bs probably.

                    fear is the mind killer

                      people need to understand the difference between the medal on your profil (the highest you ever achieved) and the one used for matchmaking (wich can decrease)