General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth buying cosmetics?

Is it worth buying cosmetics? in General Discussion

    So im thinking of buying cosmetics on some of my fave heroes,and im asking from those who have,does it feel better playing on them ? Thanks !


      It makes me feel nice idk not needed at all, but nice to have if you can spare the cash

      зачем я начал поиск

        It's about your own sujective value you give.
        Idk why one would ask something like that.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Played Dota without hats for 2 years or so.

          Player 153433446

            Gives temporary happiness.
            Just like upgrading a phone or changing decorations in room


              ppeople who never baught skins view people with cosmetic as more skilled. good looking/hight cost skins gives you confidence, and if you know steam marketing when prices will drop(bifore battlepass and highly bifore internatonal) raise u can save money pretty good, or even get money if u save them till price grows and sellt them. its very satisfying feeling when ur whole team kas comsmetics, but from my view its all abaut marketings saving, like from begining ive put in steam like 600-700$ i lost alot by selling them to get better stuff, till i learn marketihing like in ti 2017 i got free 4 arcanas form its bp and im with profit over since started marketing 400$

              Sleight of My Fist In You...

                like the guy above says, cosmetics can be used for betting and such. talking about in game tho, skill is skill no arcana will make a 1k beat a 5k..i think tho that some sets might actually provide a bit of an indirect advantage by having changes in animation which can lead to say a smoother attack animation making the hero feel less clunky...this can have an effect on playing style


                  i have every cosmetic for the pool of heroes that i play. look good, feel good, play good


                    there are many cosmetic that are pay to lose, example: Io arcana so sometimes its better to have none

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                    Riguma Borusu

                      I think that one has a bad winrate because peple pay Io because they have hats, not because they are good at the hero or it is a good pick.

                      Use chatwhell=mute

                        No dont buy cosmetic use mods.

                        Use chatwhell=mute

                          No dont buy cosmetic use mods.


                            Doesnt make any difference for me

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              You buy cosmetics to make a hero you love playing look even better for you.
                              I wouldn't buy cosmetics for something I don't play.
                              I'd delete/sell unused cosmetics.


                                better buy dotabuff plus than buy cosmetics. dont give not even a fucking cent to useless valve


                                  Worth and value is subjective. You define your own satisfaction.