General Discussion

General DiscussionFuck you for nerfing a hero that has 47%

Fuck you for nerfing a hero that has 47% in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    And fuck your game that has a declining player base. Meepo needed that nerf you fucking cucks? Nerf him 6 patches in a row. give him a minor buff and now fucking send him to the ground again. Meanwhile storm spirit that requires 0 fucking micro still doesn't get nerfed with his kaya bullshit. Beautiful. My bad because I forgot that we needed to cater to the idiots that can't micro for shit and who get stomped by people who worked hard on building up their skill so we can keep this garbage alive.

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      Average winrate on Dotabuff for a hero doesn't tell jack shit about that hero.


        Only the most mentally stable and intellectual people use the phrase "you fucking cucks" seriously.


          Well deserved. Should be removed from the game along with techies.


            cheese hero

            smurfs firstpick him mid and then get dumpstered, thats why his winrate is so low.

            cheese heros that win games solo if last picked need to be removed

            Chao Vritra

              so you are saying that tab w tab w tab w tab w is a more difficult hero than storm spirit? I think that could be heavily debated. They are both high skill ceiling heroes imo.

              < blank >

                only problem was he had 67% winrate in 5k+ last week


                  Have ur hero get have a 38% average wr before u talk.

                  Player 153433446

                    He will still stump noobs and be the favorite amonh boosters.
                    He didnt get nerfed that hard..just talent tree adjusment which was required.
                    All his rightside talents had 10% winrate over the was a no brainer to adjust his tree


                      even tiny had a high winrate in high mmr
                      storm got a bloodstone nerf and attack speed nerf, but he isnt op
                      ur literally BabyRaging over nothing and whining like a baby

                        Ten komentarz został usunięty

                          K, that didn't work

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            everyone got trolled tbh. this is a copy-paste of a reddit post.


                              meepo,brood,techies need to be removed from the game


                                What 's wrong with this guy. He doesn't even pick Meepo as main hero and post this.


                                  How TF can anyone know every Reddit post


                                    He had 58% winrate in 5k+.
                                    But still That's too heavy of a nerf for a hero that has <50% in <5k matches.
                                    Every single talent nerfed plus base resistance decreased by 10%..the hero is dead.. Ggwp.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      It irritates me, how people, who barely know how this hero works make analysis comments.
                                      It is embarrassing.

                                      Guys, who have 0 Meepo games and analyze it, give their irrelevant opinion, as they were picking him non-stop for hundreds of games.
                                      You can't judge, how hard the hero is nerfed, if you don't play the hero at all. That seems pretty obvious. It applies to any hero, but especially to the rarely picked ones.

                                      I know, it's a Shitdit post, but still.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                        Meepo, Brood and Techies are among the most interesting heroes in Dodo.
                                        I thought about learning Meepo, but he lanes mid and I don't want to go mid, that's the only reason.

                                        Techies is a very interesting hero, but I constantly postpone learning to play him.

                                        I would much rather delete Necrophos, for how fucking cheap that hero feels: you can suck cock the whole game and still kill any hero with your ultimate, seemsnormal.

                                        Last time I spammed Necro out of curiosity and went 70-ish% winrate offlaning him without doing jack shit in the game.
                                        I was literally circlejerking, mashing Q like an autistic inbred and pressing R on random heroes in sight. Still 70% after 50+ games.
                                        That's the shit you delete.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          Dude, winrate isnt the only factor whether or not a hero is good or not. Besides, it wasnt even THAT big of a nerf.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            Lmao how the fuck did this hero get so strong in 5k.

                                            It just shows u how hard it is to balance this game though. Some heroes remain unplayable in Low mmr


                                              Shits Muranji would say unironically


                                                Pick rate and Winrate in high mmr match or pro scene seems to be a crucial point in this.

                                                example : No one pick IO and his winrate also lower than Admiralbulldog intelligent in pub but he still get nerfed in pre-TI7 regime (sad GH LUL).

                                                Meepo is strong too strong for all pick game where you can't ban or draft lke Captian Mode and we all know these smurfing acc. players won't pick Meepo first anyways.


                                                  Well, 20 damage on level 10 actually helps quite a bit more than the lifesteal. My only problem is that his level 20 talents are both complete garbage.
                                                  So you end up losing 300 HP and 20 damage o level 25.


                                                    You don't even have a single Meepo game played on this account care to explain?

                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                      think because rosh got buffed was the reason meepo's winrate skyrocketed


                                                        Well, actually i won like 10 games in a row against meepo with my riki, its really strange he is nerfed


                                                          Nerfing was fine, but right now hero is basically dead.


                                                            Nerf was way to hard -10% MR on a hero that can't use bkb :ok_hand: