General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you join 50/50 team fights?

Do you join 50/50 team fights? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Prefer to make sure you have the upper hand on "paper"?

    Join your team, clash and think of the consequences later?

    Thoughts pls thanks

    зачем я начал поиск

      Not at all.
      I can let all my team die, if I feel they're doing something retarded.

      Riguma Borusu

        ofc I even join fights I know I will lose

        even if I have no mana

        or hp

        or I am going to get an item in 200 gold so I lose 400 and then I am more behind than ever

        why do I do this?

        idk guess I just don't give a shit


          He's back

            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

              You lose 100% of the team fights you don't join

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                50/50 is pretty high
                Join it

                Hatsune Miku

                  i join midway of the fight, so i can rampage


                    no, when i think that they have >60% chance of winning the fight, i hit the creeps for maximum efficiency
                    if they have less, then i don't risk my life and hit creeps anyway
