General Discussion

General DiscussionDual jungle strat

Dual jungle strat in General Discussion
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    What do you think about a strat, where 2 heroes go jungling and 3 other heros go 3 solo lanes?

    Riguma Borusu

      I think it's ez MMR.

      for the enemy team

      зачем я начал поиск

        Something like Huskar mid, Void top and Bara bot, while Drow and Luna go jungling.
        I think it sounds OP as fuck.

        Optimus Drip

          i have an idea, how about one person stay at base for u have 4 people with complete free farm and getting overleveled

          Riguma Borusu

            even better have one person in the ENEMY BASE

            pick NP for best effect


              Ez -25 mmr even in normal skill.


                what do you think ?


                  jungling still works, thats for sure.


                    ^no it doesnt, and ur braindead
                    thats for sure


                      Or 4 people dc for 4 mins letting the mid get bonus gold and advantage, bew TI strat


                        tell me its a joke or you want to do it with your stack

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          cool and good


                            How are you vhs?

                            Pointy Shoes

                              It's an interesting idea, I have tried it myself a couple of games (I presume you mean by going into enemy jungle and farming there) as NP and Chen. Now it might be worth a new try?

                              (Remember when u could farm ancients as NP at start of game)

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                                only works on axe-ww with retarded amount of stack, but jungle nerfed anyway so no point on doin so


                                  I go abandon game strat


                                    That's a really SOLID plan.