General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to core VS

How to core VS in General Discussion
Schrödinger no Kaeru

    Heya !

    I'm still pretty new to the game and try to spam 6 heroes that I like to play and can fulfil different roles.

    I mostly offlane or roam, but sometimes I need to carry, and beside morphling, the only other heroe I play that can be carry is Vengeful Spirit !

    But I have a poor win rate with her (40%~), so how the hell am I supposed to play her?


    Ten temat był edytowany
    Story Time

      was that the real cookie here?

      Schrödinger no Kaeru

        It's one of my bad games trying to carry her yeah... But my support is a friend, and he does not know how to play support so it was a hard time for us.


          On VS get treads lance deso(hard ganking and pushing) or mealstrom(farm and against illu heroes) manta or bkb depending on disables affecting ur play and butterfly and crits to finish I can include a solar crest for early aggressive plays if u can afford. U can also try windranger for ur carry role as she is also good


            You don't. If you're gonna spam, don't pick a hero that can fulfill many roles, pick a hero for each role. Although if you're really new to the game, I'd say stick to one role as much as possible. Morphling isn't easy as well, for carry role, I'd suggest Luna, Sven, PA or Jugg.

            Schrödinger no Kaeru

              I'm not that new, I played a lot with 4k, 4k5 being their pos 5, I don't have solo ranked mmr, but I might be around 2k5+ maybe 3k !

              Ok thanks, for your answer guys !


                if u cant even think up of a possible venge build for carry i doubt ur 3k

                Riguma Borusu

                  There are mainly two core venge builds, one focuses on -armor, the other on heavy stats. You can mix the two as well. But whatever you do, you want to get dlance/pike, the item is too good on such a short ranged hero.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                  chicken spook,,,,

                    You don't. If you're gonna spam, don't pick a hero that can fulfill many roles


                    Potato Marshal

                      I can't think one any reason why you would go carry venge instead of picking a real carry.


                        When you think she's a real carry

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Venge is a better carry than jugg and am right now. She can hit reeeeaally hard with minimal items and can do shit from lvl 1. She can't farm as well as the two, though.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            have u tried picking better heroes?


                              venge carry comes online early, gets shit done with her team, and scales rather well especially with her great talents.

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                yea good luck convincing your team that you're playing core venge or get your team to play 5 man deathball in pubs


                                  @xd He's picking VS for carry just because he's been spamming VS. I'd understand if he was picking a hero like WR to fulfill many roles.

                                  @RPQ-sama but the thing with AM and Jugg is you learn how to farm efficiently, when to split push, when to teamfight. I dunno but VS carry sounds very situational.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    I am pretty sure you can win more games by picking VS and rolling down the enemy base 20 minutes into the game, rather than trying to "farm" on carries that are kinda shit.


                                      If the enemies are shit, you'll be rolling down the enemy base 20mins in. Also, Luna, Sven and Jugg are good at teamfights as well while also being faster farmers. I just don't think VS carry is a good hero to spam.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        VS carry is going to offer way less of a consistent performance because if you have to fall back to farming, you are toast. So yeah, if you have to spam somethnig, spam something that has better farming potential.


                                          I suggest you to play phantom assassin and master this hero.
                                          (You will have fun trust me, just dont die)
                                          And if you want ranged go viper or venom they are easy and fun to play at low levels, they are not hard carry but who cares at 1k...and you can play them in different roles.
                                          If you want hard carry go drow.


                                            VS carry isnt that bad
                                            It used to be very good when it was an Uber deathball meta but r venge isn't the greatest laner so it's not the greatest pick
                                            However venge is pretty tanky, hurts a lot, and does both of these things early while also scaling well
                                            There is the farming problem but I've noticed people often go maelstrom into mjollnir to help with that problem
                                            It's like a pseudo ck in that u both fight early and r bad at farming.


                                              vs carry is actually really scary if done right


                                                VS carry has incredibly high dmg, even without any dmg items. Her farming speed isnt that good though, perhaps a MoM can speed that up a little.




                                                    You remind me to my friend that using lc but act as support. Dude, everything has its right place. Well, i could say u better set vs into utility-support type. Since, she has great armor modifier. With only addition of medallion of courage, u already fits her into great hero.