General Discussion

General DiscussionPos4 first pick material

Pos4 first pick material in General Discussion

    Mostly i first pick my hero in ranked games, since i dont want to loose gold. and i can inform my teammates that i will be roaming, giving 2 tangos to mid and will help the support with wards.
    which usually leads to a good atmosphere and someoen actually picking a lane supp.

    so far the only real first pick material for me is spirit breaker.

    some heros that float in my mind to first pick:
    -slardar (kinda shit though if allies pick all magic damage)
    -sand king
    -night stalker

    correct me if im wrong/you have more heros to first pick.
    i especially like the ones that are played in the offlane in most pub games. some people might pick their carry with the thought of having to lane against an sk/clock.

    heros i like but i think are bad first pick material:
    -silencer (3k reatard will pick jungle LC and tell me to go lanesupp)

    other topic but is ogre magi still decent roaming?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Earthshaker dude


        Why first pick Riki is bad lmao.
        Earth spirit of kunkka is fine


          i kind of dont want to get a slardar or BH. but at the same time most peopel in my bracket dont know how to roam with BH and slardar is unheard of, so maybe he is first pick material

          Dire Wolf

            Slardar, clock and sandking are all offlaners I thought? More like position 3.

            Earthshaker is quite solid, fits most lineups. Ogre I still think is fine. Nyx maybe has counters but he's so damn strong.

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              ck kka qop(not that good but pretty fun)


                First pick Riki is fine. Forces enemy sups to throw money at detection all game, as long as your team doesn't pick other invis heroes you are fine.
                Riki is pretty good in pubs both carry and semi support

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  ns is very good


                    Sky is good first pick if you think your team is smart enough to pick stuns for your ult. Otherwise it's ok but not that great


                      ^sky is out then

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        What do you guys think of mirana as a pos 4 1st pick. Too greedy?


                          Pos 4 first pick Miranda seems good to me .

                          Forget me not

                            Riki, sky, Sven, Nightstalkers , wk, wr. Don't forget SB the king of position 4.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                            Forget me not

                              Venge used to be a good first pick material, but the hero just feel not good enough.

                              Dire Wolf

                                oh yes spirit breaker, definitely position 4. Amazing.

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  BH is good in 3k

                                  < blank >

                                    you can first pick MK in 6k


                                      SB is fine, earth spirit if u play it is fine, kka is fine

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        Ns is amazing if you have obvious targets you can kill in the first night, and snowball your team from there.
                                        Ns is good if you have obvious targets you can threaten but maybe not kill, and secure map presence.
                                        Ns is okay if you don't have targets ns is good against, but can still accomplish other objectives on the map.

                                        Always pick ns.


                                          Slardar, clock and sandking are all offlaners I thought? More like position 3.

                                          They can fit both 3 and 4, usually with boots level 1 for the latter. Earth Spirit used to be a safe 4 pick when you're confused as to what you need, but is weak now with the nerfs and doesn't do well against other 4s who rotate on your initiation. Not all the heroes mentioned above are strong in most scenarios, especially when they don't have a reliable stun. The best counter that comes to mind is Weaver. Doesn't care about most 4s.

                                          Also, curious why MK is still being played as 4 in high MMRs (5k+) when he's clearly better as a core. Had a disastrous game playing roaming MK recently and didn't see any gank potential. Or maybe I just suck.


                                            haha how would you know that you can first pick mk in 6k you 4k pleb from zurich?

                                            meteor hammer

                                              sb is #1

                                              other than taht cw is fun and good against a lot of heroes


                                                centaur pos 4? monkaS


                                                  if you have watched any pro dota this year you know that slardar isnt played at all in the offlane but roaming.

                                                  GH and sonneiko are playing it a lot i think

                                                  theres just no reason to play him offlane. farm wasted.
                                                  his escape ability makes you take additional damage.
                                                  and all he needs to work is tranquils, wand and blink


                                                    Id go for Chen, kunkka, sb.

                                                    mosquito net on my feet

                                                      Who is miranda

                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                                          Only sk is fp worthy in your list.


                                                            Oh and someone already mentioned but Kunkka is underrated as pos 4. He literally doesn't need any items and still useful all game.

                                                            Like you could throw as kunkka for 20 mins sending couriers mid and still win if you decide it's time to start trying.

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              ugh I hate position 4 kunkkas in pubs they always suck, not cus the hero is bad but cus people suck at playing it. Realistically combo'd with a strong carry it's like guaranteed kills in lane with x marks the spot.


                                                                For sure Nightstalker. The most OP pos. 4 hero you can pick. He is literally never bad.


                                                                  ^^^ i just won that as BH lol
                                                                  but it was normal skill

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    for me personally i go for ns, kunkka, riki
                                                                    however sb is the king of roaming, and u can make other heroes work as well

                                                                    ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                                      if at first pick no one going to pick then I will pick Mirana the Jumong Artist