General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice Needed on How to Improve My Game Further

Advice Needed on How to Improve My Game Further in General Discussion
Old Doge

    Hello, Dotabuff Forums,

    I've been playing Dota 2 for many years now (with a total of around 5k games played) and, over the years, I've always tried my best to improve my game based on tips and strategies written in various Dota-related articles. However, even though I did see a lot of improvement in my game, I can't seem to consistently play VHS games very well.

    My MMR is always somewhere between 3.5k - 4.1K and never higher. I've also tried various roles and I "think" I am doing them decently, especially as a roamer-type. However, again, I'm not sure if it is due to my inconsistency or whatever, but I can't seem to get out of this bracket. I know I'm not THAT good of a player because if I am, I won't even be looking for some advice on how to improve further. So please, spare me your "noob shit player" posts.

    Additionally, I feel like there are so many people out here who think that being inconsistent and being stuck in a particular bracket isn't entirely their fault. These types of individuals always seem to think that the problem always lies with their teammates rather than their own games. However, please be rest assured that I'm not that type of player because I feel like I could have always done better than what I did the previous game. Although I also have to admit that I tend to get tilted easily if I see players not doing their part and then blame others and stuff like that.

    So, in short, I am very open to ideas and suggestions on how to improve my game more. Insightful advice and/or constructive criticism from better players is always welcome. Please, this is my first time in many years to ask for advice and I'd hate it if there will be "trolls" that would start flaming from the start. By the way, if you need more information, please don't hesitate to ask. I will do my best to provide the necessary info for better advice.

    Again, I would really appreciate it if people could allot some of their precious time in trying to help me in this endeavor. Thank you very much and have a pleasant day ahead.


    P.S. This is my dotabuff profile for reference.

    Looking for advice on:
    Playing more consistently and get out of my current bracket and even further, if possible.

    Extra Note:
    I am a avid Pudge player with performances ranging from bad to good, depending on the game and my condition.


      no matter what advice they'll give you, i'll be the voice of reason here:

      you simply can't improve, live with it.

      i'm not flaming you i'm just pointing out your stats, after 2.7k ranked matches your mmr didn't change at all, there probably were some points in time where your best heroes were top meta heroes so you went up by a bit, or when they weren't so you went down.

      if someone spends 2k hours at something without gaining any experience; it simply means he can't improve further.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      chicken spook,,,,

        Stop playing on autopilot
        Find your problems
        Find the solution
        Learn from higher mmr replays

        Old Doge

          Correction: I was calibrated at 3.0k mmr...

          Well, I'm still looking for constructive criticisms. You, Cookie, just told me that I have no chance of improvements without checking in detail. I guess giving insightful advice isn't really your forte. In short, no matter how much you think you're the reason here, you're just another troll trying his best to defame or put down other people, which, I think, is already cancer in and of itself.

          Why? Simply because you have really no right whatsoever to bring down other people who want to improve. I'm just pointing out your bad behavior and overall superiority complex. No harm intended.


            how do you think i got to my mmr? did i find higher players to do that for me?

            fuck no, i analysed 1000000 replays of higher players to gain the same skill they have.

            it's just a correlation between you and every single person who had a profile like you do, and who came here with the same lazy ass question of

            ''omg im doing everything to get gud but no mmr waaaaah''

            you aren't doing anything to improve, you're too lazy to even read the other 50 posts below you who have the same question, there's literally no difference between you and them.

            just another post asking for a holy grail.

            don't try improving, because you can't. history has proven that, and it'll repeat for you.

            i'm actually giving you constructive criticism, otherwise i would've just written ''have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?" and been done with you.

            also, your profile says otherwise

            you only won 11 more matches than you lost, which is 275 mmr

            if you had gotten to 3.7+ from your intial 3.0, that means you had to lose 500 party mmr

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              Hey Cookie, how're you doin' mate. why aren't you online anymore?


                @Call of Doge, If you want to get out of this 3.5k-4k bracket, you will have to CARRY the game. This includes picking hard carries like Arc Warden, Anti-Mage or any other late game carry. In order to play a carry perfectly, you should know how to last hit well and properly. Every last hit matters and is the difference between a 13 min fury or a 15 min bfury. Secondly, try to have a solo playing mentality, stop relying on your teammates. YOU have to carry them. Here are some links by different high mmr people who might help you:

                BSJ on last hitting:
                BSJ on Anti-Mage Replay Analysis:
                Blitz on map awareness, split pushing and playing from behind:
                Blitz again:
                GuruPathik on playing from behind:
                GuruPathik 2.8k mmr replay analysis anti-mage:
                More last hitting:

                I guess that's enough to help you. Anyway, thank cookie who actually introduced me to these mechanics and the people whose videos I linked above =) Hope you reach 4k and beyond!


                  Also, if you want to gain mmr, spam ONE hero, don't be versatile like you are right now.

                  Old Doge

                    Okay, it seems that trying to ask for help or get others opinion did nothing but this. I guess that speaks a lot about the community being very helpful. I just want people to give some sort of insightful advice and saying never gonna improve is never a good advice.

                    I'll delete this post in a while. I hope you're happy with this, Cookie. I hope your superiority complex over others will lead you somewhere aside from playing a game. And I guess asking for logical opinions isn't really this community's forte either.

                    Well played, Cookie. You just successfully degraded this community by your reasons and what not.

                    Old Doge


                      Thank you for this. I'll keep that in mind. Kudos to you my friend


                        @Asbaat you know i have 10+ accounts. I'm online, just not on this acc.

                        @Call of Doge believe me, you're average in this community. you aren't asking for opinions/tips; you're asking for someone to do your homework.

                        if you had asked an actual question i would've given you an actual answer

                        like ''i just played (x hero) in (match id) and at (Y minutes) i got ganked, could have i done something to survive this or turn it around"

                        or " against (X hero) in lane as (Y hero), do i just try to farm, do i harass him"

                        or " look at this (match id), every teamfight i kept getting stun locked by (x hero) and (Y hero), what item should have i gone for to prevent this? or was i going on the wrong target? or was i fighting at wrong times/places?"

                        but no, your post can be condensed down to ''i'm 3k i want to get to 10k, do all the work for me of fixing my problems"

                        that's not trying to improve, that's the opposite.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          Cookie, he's just starting dude. He just needs an initial push, that's all he asked for. I also asked you to do my homework but you had an actual guide at that time. HE doesn't have any guide so like I linked some videos. That only took me like 2 minutes.


                            too harsh for no reason this bosnian is


                              btw dude i think u can learn some new material from bsj's own channel on youtube where he puts his coaching sessions. essentially it's replay analysis (as cookie says). u can see how he analyses each game and luckily there are a lot of em so if u watch em u might be able to get a hint on how to analyse games. then basically analyse pro players' games from player prespective and understand the purpose of their each click. im on the same road here


                                It's okay, we're all humans with changing moods. Imagine yourself in Cookie's position and everyday 10 people ask you the same question what will your response be? For me, it would be exactly as Cookie said. But its okay, we all want to improve!

                                Old Doge

                                  @Sia @Asbaat

                                  Thank you so much for understanding. Also, thank you for your sound advice regarding how I can improve further as a player.


                                  I'm sorry if my generalized statement cause you unwanted ire.
                                  It was also stated in my first post that if you need some details, don't hesitate to ask...
                                  But you just jumped the gun my friend and flamed me.

                                  Now a specific question for you, if I may.

                                  Do you think being a roamer-type player can actually raise your mmr? If so, why or why not?
                                  e.g. Kunkka, Clockwerk, Pudge, etc.

                                  I'm not closing my doors for improvement so please drop your "never gonna improve" attitude. Thanks.


                                    yea i actually got from 3k to 5k with roaming support, but back then it was jungle start roaming support.

                                    so basically i'd stay jungle for 2-4 mintues to get like tranquils and then i'd go roam, i did it with SK and CM.

                                    same thing works now, you just have to roam from minute 0, i'd recommend analysing GH.

                                    though some portions were also dual offlane lich or undying and midlane camping skywraith.

                                    i'm pretty sure dual offlane or mid camping with lich/sky is way more efficient in lower brackets.

                                    though im pretty sure jungle start roaming support still works really well sub 5k, just that after 5k people start heavy roaming 1-2 supports so they'll punish your early jungling if you can't compensate with good ganks.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    Pump Cultist

                                      Just reiterating everything already said.
                                      Essentially, you could play for thousands of hours and not improve a bit, simply because you are playing the same way over and over and over with people of the same skill over and over and over. That's not gonna help you unless you actually take the time to analyse where you went wrong, what you did wrong, where you can improve yada yada.
                                      I found in my own experience (not a lot cause i'm only 14) that it's far more efficient for you time wise and everything if you spend some time watching videos that teach you different techniques from higher mmr players (gameleap all that kinda jazz) getting coaching or analysing your replays.
                                      In the 3 month period I spent watching replays and videos mentioned earlier, I improved for example, my last hitting and fighting etc etc significantly in a shorter period of time than what I did playing frequently over and over. I haven't been able to do this recently seeing as I've been focusing on studying but you get the picture.

                                      p.s I know I'm only normal skill and whatever, but I thought I'd try to help, pls don't flame.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        You can play any role and climb mmr if you play it well. Don't listen to these guys who say ''you have to pick carry if you want to climb''. From my experience I've actually had a better winrate playing support when boosting 4k accounts over carry or mid.


                                          1.Learn from pros.
                                          2. Spam OP heroes ex. MK, Arc Warden, Brood, Meepo.
                                          3. EZ mmr

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                          Old Doge


                                            Yeah, I guess that's about right. I mean, for the most part, my teammates really like to pick carries... around 80% of the time.
                                            It's good to hear you also climbed MMR as a roamer. It simply means that you can actually climb up the ladder with this role.
                                            Thank you for this insight.

                                            Also, as a roamer, is it considered bad to be around lv.4-5 at the 10 min. mark of the game?
                                            And are roamers also (partly) responsible for stacking camps for carries?

                                            @Offensive Memes

                                            No worries, my friend. Any and all advice are welcome. Yes, you do have a point, just like many of the posters here.


                                            Yeah, thank you man. My game is actually quite versatile, but maybe I'm just not as good as you are. :)

                                            @Just Let Me

                                            Nah, mate. I understand #1, but I don't have the habit of abusing heroes to grind MMR. But thanks anyway.

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Trying to be extremely versatile can be bad though
                                              Learning the basics is much easier if you have more constant variables
                                              A.k.a spam to learn the basics, learn a different hero/position afterwards if you want
                                              3-6 main heroes should be enough


                                                nah, i get my lvl 6 at 10-11 minutes with tome or some teamfights, it's completely natural.

                                                and for stacking, only if you have nothing better to do or if your core actaully depends on having stacks, and benefits from that more than harassing on his lane

                                                ex sven or alche.

                                                but that's only if hte other support isnt, in general you really don't want to waste time on stacking.

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                  i read till the cuki 2-nd post andi stoped there, causei saw there are more cuki post, and based on what read in his first 2 posts , im rly scared that my eyes will continue bleeding non-stop till i bleed to death if i keep readin more. " im the voice of reason here ", i've analised 100000 replays of higher mmr " . still a 6k arc spammer . jessus fucking christ , this is the most alarmant case when the dunning kruger hits so hard on that kid . @Call of Doge , ofc you can improve man , you always can improve . dont listen to that fucking retarded duning kruger arc spamer who thinks he is good at dota , cause he analyse 100000 replays and still need to spam the " most broken hero in dota dota when it commes to 0-5 k brcket" if you dont trust me on that, i can make a 20 pages post to prove why it is". so my advice for you its the if yo uwant to improve dont give up find your own way on improving dont listen that fucktard duning kruger arc spammer .im being honest with you the chances that you are much better than he is in dota are like 99% , if you put so much effort in dota as that kid did you would be probably be 10 times better than him. " im the voice oh reason " . your reason is dead a long time ago since mmr ruined your mind . thisi is waht it takes guys, this is the pure living prove what takes for a 1k natuarly to get to 6 k , we gonna name it " cukiboy" sympthome" . so yeah another advice for op if you realise that you puting to much effort but not improving that well than yeah better stop , or take a look to cuki and you will see how you gonna be like at mental aspect after some years.

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    cute theory, except i got to 5k before arc got even released

                                                    i got to 5.7k on this acc with offlane

                                                    only from 5.5-6k have i gotten only with arc and SB


                                                      I would say that if you've played that volume of games and you aren't actively making an improvement you're ability to analyse yourself is flawed.

                                                      To build a bit on what cookie said, more specifically "you can't ever improve" I agree with him in the sense that you wont ever improve if you don't change your routine in re-guards to dota.

                                                      I think the best advice you can possibly get right now is to kind of step out of your own shoes and try and criticize you from an outside perspective, one of the cheesiest things I like to do is watch a lot of 'PUB' gameplay of lets say a super solid carry player like 'Madara' or 'n0tail' and making notes on specific things they do in certain situations. I then immediately proceed to watch a certain replay of myself playing as a particular hero i've just seen the mentioned pros play. I think you can literally just understand the things they do and try and integrate them into your own gameplay.

                                                      The problem occurs when you cant see the differences between yourself and the pro THATS where its time to say alright give up, because you're genuinely wasting your time.

                                                      In short cut down the number of games you play and work on improving your self analyzing skills.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        i actually almost never analyse my own games, i'm more of a ''i know i'm wrong and i know nothing, so i'm just gonna replace it all with the pro's gameplay" kind of person.

                                                        cuts me the pain of realizing my own mistakes.

                                                        also, i think it's more efficient because most people won't know what a mistake is, so they can think a mistake was a play just because it worked against a low player.

                                                        that's why when you analyse a higher player and state a prediction, example his next move: the only way your prediction is gonna be correct is if you have the same idea in your head as him.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          Thats fine, it varies from person to person.

                                                          You have people who are going to be more naturally talented than others, and therefore will almost always have an advanced intuitive understanding of the game, resulting in less time being needed to work on analyzing mistakes.

                                                          It's about figuring out what kind of person you are and what works best for you.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                          Old Doge


                                                            Thanks, mate. Glad that was clarified since whenever I play roamer / support I only end up at lv. 4 - 5 at the 10 min mark.
                                                            Also, one question, and I am going to rely on your instincts on this.
                                                            "Who do you think are the top 5 heroes that I should main?"


                                                            It's okay now, my friend. Maybe he was just pissed off by my generalized question / statement and lumped me with the dunn krugger people in this forum.


                                                            Yeah, I understand. Thanks for this advice. Much appreciated. Will watch more pro replays for sure this coming week.

                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                              "@KRS 10 hours ago
                                                              I would say that if you've played that volume of games and you aren't actively making an improvement you're ability to analyse yourself is flawed."

                                                              yeah thats for sure , if you read well what op said , you would understand that he already knows . thats so obvious if you played 2k+ games , ofc that your naturaly improvement have reached his limit. thats why he is asking for advice to improve further. he is open for ideas. but " you cant simply improve live with it" comming from the " voice of reason itself" , how is this helpful tell me? from his statement im sure that op is assuming that we all understand that his naturaly improvement from his experience is already over.


                                                                there's no way i can answer that, because i'd need to know your preference for heroes

                                                                i picked SK because i thought the blink hit n run playstyle was hilarious

                                                                i picked CM because i wanted to let it go.

                                                                i picked LICH because i'm an jerk that likes to make the enemy laning phase a living hell.

                                                                long story short, doesn't matter what you actually play as long as you don't get bored of it.

                                                                a big part of mastering a hero is that you don't kill yorself playing it over and over again.

                                                                sure i could've taken storm or lesh back when they were op, or i could've taken any OP hero every patch and spammed them and i would've been 7-8k already, but i would've lost my sanity.

                                                                every hero i picked i simply enjoy playing because of their unique fun playstyles.

                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                  btw @Call of Doge. you are taking advice how to roam from a player which i remember exactly waht he says some weeks maybe months ago " i tried to roam on some lower mmr acc , andi realised that my roaming skills are almost non-existent" . yeah he maybe climbed to 5 by roaming i have no reason to doubt on that, cause i dont care if he is telling the trull or not buti thing he is,he cant be that retarded. but roaming have dramaticly changed from the time that he did,. at the time roaming was half jungler-half roamer , and was more ez. to get exp . you could get lv 6 even at 5-6 min mark of the game. in the current meta is completely fine if yo uare lv-4-5 and the 10 min mark as long as you doing good shit on the map. ofc you can reach 6 faster but its not always depended on you , it also depends on the timing of your cores, like when they are comfortobale to leave the lane so you can take some exp , ect. cause its not always posible to reach 6 at 10 min only by geting kills and bounty runes since the jungle option is almost dead already, mostly of the time you can always do someting better than jungling as a roamer. like 99% of the time.

                                                                  plus it also is hero depended how much yo uwana prioritize your levels compare to over things that yo ucan acomplish. for ex if you are an rasta which actually is not a full roamer in current meta but is a hybrid betwen pos5 and 4, but you would want to prioritise levels whith him cause your lv 6 is such a good power spike, but lets say your an ogre, who cares what level you as long as you doing good shit on the map

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    since i made that statement, i've learned no item roaming, but only in 4k+

                                                                    but, back then i'd actually just stay to lvl 4

                                                                    cm 1-1-2 build and SK 2-2-0 build

                                                                    mostly for the security of "if the gank(s) fail i can still go back to jungle to recover/regen and try again with next smoke".

                                                                    but yea, roaming was way easier back then because you'd have something to build your roaming upon.

                                                                    so if your teammates don't know how to press buttons when you tell them ''JUST STUN HIM AND WE KILL" then you're basically fucked.

                                                                    i won't lie, i literally can't do no item roam at low brackets

                                                                    i walk into a lane and say ''GO GO GO KILL" i throw my stuns and setups, but the carry is just farming creeps instead of taking the kill.

                                                                    they LITERALLY don't want to win.

                                                                    pos 5 is not hard at all at low brackets because the offlaner(s) basically let you harass them for free, all the time.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                                      hahahahhahahahhahahhahah, i did not wanted to say that your roaming skills sucks, i just wanted to show to him that roaming have changed a lot , andi think it is the most difficult and most important role in the current meta, i dont think is coincidense that gh is almost 10k. and yeah i know exactly what you feel play a lot of roam in below 4k and i stoped it cause i would loose my mind honestly , not kiding at all, at some point i also started to doubt on my skills as roamer, i had to play again at 4k+ to realise that , that was not the case, it that period of the time i realised that the only difference , not exactly the only but the bigest difference between mostly of 4k -5K+ and 2-3k is thee way they push the buttons. you have no idea , well maybe you do. how many ss the 3k invo missed on a stuning target when iwas screaming to him loudly for ss, i mean he was not even close lul.


                                                                        yeah where did yo uget this lul. how can you know that? like how can you know , ' if rain is created by clouds, it will fall down into earth? how can you know that? waht kind of genius are you ? jsut cause you not named tripple retard doesnt mean you genius brah lol.

                                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                                          dont even need to read, i already know waht ywn post XD. such a uniqe hoby lul.


                                                                            @Op make sure you only pick a few heroes as well when you're trying to elevate your general understanding of the game as well as learn how re-shape how you think about dota while you're playing it. This is useful for a few reasons:

                                                                            1) you don't want to be tangled up with mechanics that you aren't familiar with when trying to take your game to the next level. (allows you to complete focus on game state, enemy item builds etc...)

                                                                            2) it improves your "game sense" massively. I'm not really sure how to put it into words but at least in my case only picking a few heroes over a short spell of time caused my decision making in game to become a lot sharper. I have no way of backing this statement up with any science or tests, it's just something I know has happened with me over phases when I'm picking a few heroes to inflate my mmr.

                                                                            @Bart Bot
                                                                            I would rather respond seriously to my dog than a 2k trash with 41% win rate in ranked LMFAO

                                                                            Old Doge

                                                                              Thank you, everyone, for all your insightful advice. Your stances on how to improve my game further have been duly noted. In my free time (as I have work to do), I will do my best to better analyze my games and become my own critique with a particular checklist.

                                                                              I am especially thankful that this particular post became more and more helpful as time passed by. And yes, some of you were right in a sense that I have a hard time changing my old, 3k-esque ways of approaching the game and that, I think, deserves to be flamed, to some extent.

                                                                              Any more advice will be gladly appreciated as I re-define my way of playing the game.

                                                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                                                if you want more advanced advice use promo code" BART BOT " for - 25% . lul

                                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                                  @KRS . lul brah. thats the art of trolling , hiding your identiy and watch some blue stars feeling superior to a normal skill guys with 41 % winrate. MEANHILE , laughing watching those happy kids for theyr "high achievements" , that i used to get playing without a keyboard or even monitor sometimes , ahahhahahahhahhaha. best feeling ever.

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    Let's pretend for a moment that there was a coherent sentence in the post above mine.

                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                    死の恐怖 Haseo
