General Discussion

General Discussiontime for mmr reset?

time for mmr reset? in General Discussion
meteor hammer

    more and more notorious retards with 6/7k mmr every year, high mmr is continually devalued

    idk if a seasonal reset is best but i think at least yearly everyone should start over from square 1

    Player 404335202

      when do we get option of reset??? after ti??




          if the restart comes, cap MUST be increased which means abusers will fuck it up
          thats like refreshing account selling business

          Ten komentarz był edytowany
          Mlada i Luda

            yes, after this compendium ends it will be a mmr reset for all dota dota players at the begining of november. every dota 2 player will be forced to start from 0 and recalibrate again. i know this for sure i have my own inside info, andi have alot of proofs but im not willing to show them cause im lazy.


              i think mmr system will be revamped completely after ti

              top 0.1% of players being spread across 3000 mmr doesn't make much sense
              (although the number is quite nice to look at)

              Ten komentarz był edytowany
              one syllable anglo-saxon

                why any1 would think valve would attemopt anything like that in the nearest year is a mystery to me


                  Am i reading wrong or is something weird about to happen?


                    Reset MMR is doesn't matter 5k still get 5k, 6k still get 6k easy anyway.

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      There should be a rank/division system instead.

                      Past 7k players aren't actually that different.

                      Bronze rank - less than 2000 MMR
                      Silver rank - more than 2000, but less than 4000 MMR
                      Golden rank - more than 4000, but less than 5000 MMR
                      Diamond rank - more than 5000, but less than 7000 MMR
                      Platinum rank - more than 7000 MMR

                      Players would have their MMR transitioned into the new system accordingly.

                      For jerk offs, introduce something like lane mastery/hero mastery points instead, which would be calculated by measuring APM/KPM/XPM/GPM/various complex variables to see who's the best support/offlaner, etc.

                      Finding a game should happen with a preset role and lane.


                        Let's become league

                        зачем я начал поиск

                          Like, sincerely, Dota is amazing, but out of all popular MOBAs it probably has the worst ranked system.

                          Would've been really nice, if Valve realized that and borrowed some solutions from LoL.

                          League/division/rank system is so much better than the point system.

                          MMR constantly gets inflated, devalued, fucked over. The calibration system, until it was capped at 3500 was super fucking broken with 2k players mindlessly spamming nukes and getting 4800 out of thin air, then losing every game and ruining mm for every actual 4k shitlord.

                          Hell, even CS: GO has a much better ranking system and report system.


                            Why would valve do it? it has no need to do such stuff.


                              how illogical are you? who would implement a feature to re-calibrate mmr... then change the whole mmr system after you get that re-calibration...

                              there's nothing wrong with the mmr system, it's objective and it's direct.

                              there are no 2k players in 7k and there are no 7k players in 2k, at worth you'll be like 300-500 mmr away from your real mmr/skill

                              (excluding smurfs and acc buyers, a new system wont fix that)

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              зачем я начал поиск

                                No recalibration.
                                Just transitioning the old MMR values into new leagues by rules.

                                E.g. as I've said earlier.


                                  why would you do that, what is the point of that?

                                  you'd literally have the same mmr sytem but instead of numbers it shows names for the ranks.

                                  and besides, that's how unranked works with NS- HS and VHS.

                                  so illogical to fix something that isn't broken...

                                  p.s there's a huge difference between 7k, 8k, 9k and 10k

                                  like the difference of the players are so noticeable and huge only a blind man wouldn't see them.

                                  you've already seen how imbalanced intl ranked is.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  Mlada i Luda

                                    shut up cuki you too dumb for this !!!! it must and it will be a mmr reset.


                                      ^is that sarcasm?

                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                        No, it wouldn't be the same, because:

                                        1) It has a clear cap. No possibility for eternal inflation. Why eternal inflation is a problem? Because at one point it will simply make the road from a certain skill level to any next one unreasonably long.

                                        Like, assume someone reaches 20k MMR. For any good player at 6k, it would take an unreasonably long road to achieve a number close to that. Top players will start to scatter around with bigger and bigger point differences, until they will devaluate to a point, where you would have no differences between a 12k and a 17k player. It will start to mean less and less past a certain value point.

                                        It baffles me, how you fail to see such a simple thing.

                                        Human skill in Dota has an objective cap, which is defined by reflexes, reaction time, certain memory patterns. It is limited. There's a certain biological limitation to each one of those.

                                        MMR is potentially unlimited.

                                        Trying to measure a limited thing through a variable with no end-cap makes no sense at all, if you just try thinking about it.

                                        It will just lead to perpetual devalueation of the value of that variable.

                                        2) Differences in skill get more and more negligible with higher and higher MMR or with lower and lower MMR.

                                        This happens, because biological set of qualities and aquired reflexes, which we call skill follows normal distribution and you should probably know what that is.

                                        This also explains why high-tier players have high MMR differences, starting from around 7k.

                                        Like, nowadays you can see a 7k pro player playing in a game with 10k one.

                                        Would you see top players playing in a 3k net difference gap, were their actual skill accurately reflected by this MMR number? No, because it doesn't.

                                        It gets devalued. And the longer it goes, the less accurate it will get in measuring actual skill difference.

                                        Like. I am amazed, how you fail to see such simple shit.


                                          Iam amazed at how you post an argument before looking at the counter example.

                                          The higher you go, the lower the teammates you get.

                                          Since you never analyse replas you never notice these.

                                          The high 9ks are literally playing a game of "compensate for your teammates lack of skill as fast as you can" instead of normal 5v5 dota, and their teammates are 7k...

                                          I agree with the number itself becoming waay too big, but the skill diffence is quite noticable

                                          Besides, if you were to reset/change it, you'd just end up devaluing the purpose of getting better.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            Agree with the commend above. I think they won't reset mmr. Reason? Don't you know every single 500mmr different is huge. I played 6months to increase 500more MMR(500 is just 20 win). And I'm probably sure if they reset top 0.1% still be top0.1%.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              why any1 would think valve would attemopt anything like that in the nearest year is a mystery to me

                                              because i thought that 1-2 years ago when people raced to 7k-8k-9k so now might be the time


                                                im just scared because one bad step and dota will lose a third of its playerbase

                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                  @overriding drag coefficient.. thats good thing, less retards.


                                                    no, it will snowball from that and the game would die in 2 years mostly thanks to people spamming "DEAD GAME" which will just cause more people to quit etc

                                                    Any Q'ers?

                                                      HAHAHA this is fucking great, all the lowbies grasping at straws and fantasies and dreams that in reality would still result in them being 2k mmr WOOOW this shit is hilarous

                                                      Any Q'ers?

                                                        valve isnt retarded, they are not gonna reset mmr and throw half their player base from playing the game cause half the dipshits would drop 1k mmr, 2ks would calibrate at 1k, 1k's at 0, 3ks at 1k, 3ks at 2k, 4k's at 2k 4k's at 3k, 5ks at 3k, 5ks at 4k

                                                        it would result in a large exodus of dipshits whos mmr is severly inflated which is about 50% of the player base


                                                          a valid point made about "devaluing" in higher mmr, although im not sure that's entirely true or not. the higher you go, you're playing with lousier and lousier teammates, so although you cannot perceive a skill difference (Because lack of sk.ill yourself), there has to be one. simple. one guy has won more games than the next. he is better and the system still does capture it, although of course at pinnacle of skill, smaller and smaller things matter. to you that's "devalued" but you're just not able to perceive the skill difference.

                                                          the fact that it took so long for the system to generate a 10k mmr player, points to the extremely long run nature of MMR, and why seasonal, short-term resets are not a good idea because it means the system is not in equilibrium (at least for the top end).


                                                            even if it might be better for the system any change or deflation of mmr is highly risky because who would want to see their 6k become high 4k etc

                                                            unless valve hires reddit and comes with massive propaganda to keep the players from leaving

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              also the highly shitty nature of calibration creates very big problems for mmr system that takes a long time to stabilize

                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                who would want to see their 6k become high 4k etc

                                                                me 4head

                                                                Yung Beethoven

                                                                  I dont seem to get it either. Why should they remake the mmr ? Even if the pros get more and more mmr it doesnt even matter. The mmr shouldnt be matched for the pro players but for the pubplayers. Proplayers dont give a shit if one of their opponents in the enemy team has 2k more mmr. It is pub after all.
                                                                  Furthermore the normal pub player doesnt even reach a "high" mmr such as 6k. In what form does the difference between the pro players in their mmr effect your matchmaking experience at ~3k?? As long as the mmr isn't broken at 1-5k mmr its all good.

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    im sure only sub 6k will want the mmr reset.


                                                                      signed: 6001 mmr player


                                                                        You need to know that I'm a rider
                                                                        Tonight I'm gonna set the streets on fire
                                                                        All I need is a gas and a lighter
                                                                        And I'll have one hell of a time


                                                                          there are too many average players who can play few months without any mmr increase like "overriding drag coefficient"

                                                                          these are the people that will likely suggest mmr reset as they think they deserve some mmr increase, since they are too dogshit.


                                                                            ^Don Frank, you're a Riki spammer. A good one yes, but if we could measure MMR worth per hero, your Riki deserves the 6K it has, your anyone else from you would be low 5k max.
                                                                            I think that's actually what we need! MMR is exclusive to a hero! Kappa