General Discussion

General Discussionim a dumbass but how do i deal with this?

im a dumbass but how do i deal with this? in General Discussion

    just played a game against a solo bb he used all his mana at level to get me low and forced my salve, then we killed him and he tped back and used all his mana to push me out of lane again then i had to go base and my supports couldn't kill bb, then i came back and killed him again and he did the same shit spamming quills till he was oom. maybe im just a retard but i don't know what the fuck is wrong with bb

    he also was low level like level 3 so he just kept coming back into lane, eventually our supps and me got pushed out of lane and he had solo xp then he got huge xp and outleveled everyone and we just oculdn't kill him without dying rofl

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      what hero did you use?


        Slark. fuck me im 5k+ and im stiull a dumb fuck

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        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Slark is not very good against BB till level 6. You should just buy a stick. Also, if he is feeding doing that, you are still getting gold from the kills so it's fine to miss a few CS.


            More importantly what happened on 2017-03-09!!! (perfect is shit)

            < blank >

              pick legion jungle


                im a scrub but i just picked am so he doesnt get to actually use his mana to spam quill

                but he buy soul ring and it gets hard.


                  Bristle doesn't need mana to proc his quill spray. He just needs to take 210 dmg


                    The real problem starts when he gets his ring of health


                      but he buy soul ring and it gets hard.

                      I never thought of that, that's actually pretty good, I'll try that next time I'm gonna play BB and if my lane enemy is AM.


                        Recently I had the same problem although 4.5k avg game.

                        No matter how many times we killed him, he just kept coming back and push me out of the lane so I missed many creeps. Kills on bb didint make it up for cs missed. Game also as a slark.

                        I think its better to make him run out of mana and not kill him. He's useless then. For bb its super worth to make you run out of regen even if he dies/or even twice. Freakin brain dead hero, doesnt matter how many times you feed the enemy as long as you destory enemy carry item timings.

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                            5.6k struggling against bb.

                            Only solution is to delete dota.

                            But seriously don't pick slark against bb unless you are confident your supports (preferably a triple lane) can zone him out. if you wanna survive against him in lane pick tb, drow, sniper, etc. but not a squishy melee carry.

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                              idk how is that an issue, just tell your supports and keep killing him at lvl 1 and create a level advantage

                              obviously if you let a bb enter the lane and start spamming shit for free and get free levels you're gonna lose.

                              to win agains BB you have to kick him out of lane early on or he becomes unbarable

                              if you fail to do that then just kick both of your supports out of lane and just get your solo levels(or have 1 support non stop pull).

                              Ramtin H

                                ^^^^ THIIS!!!

                                Ramtin H

                                  Also the important part is if u kick him out of the lane he can get lvl 2 and go jungle like the thing that i did my last game cuase i was agaist io and huskar but I just stacked ancients and farming them later also huskar was retarded cuase I blocked their hard camp by ward
                                  So they didnt even pull once so i got free exp and some farm
                                  The most important thing is just the thing cookie said killing him before lvl 2 or it gonna be hard agaist him


                                    Why do I feel the same way with a 2v 1 against a solo necro?


                                      Hmmmm so a lot of players are having a hard time playing against BB huh? time to spam him like crazy until he is nerf to hell hahaha.

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        BB is one of the playstyle dictating heroes, you have very few patterns to actually win him and most of them hard to execute, harder in pubs, therefore OP.
                                        I believe that blink and kill heroes or heroes that can rush into the backline behind BB to threaten the teamfight are good. Slark is good actually but he was nerfed hard.

                                        Riguma Borusu