General Discussion

General DiscussionI just realized

I just realized in General Discussion
Илија Маскович

    you can have a couple of thousand of hours in dota 2 and still suck. myself I have 4k+ hours and yet I still am a 4k scrub.


      but dota is just a game


        yeah its a matter of reflexes, iq and attitude i think. i also played 2k+ hours and highest mmr was 5,7k.

        Potato Marshal

          There are people with like 6k hours and are still in 1k.

          Ramtin H

            Life Is Hard


              Dota is like anything else in life. You can mess around on it for thousands of hours and if you don't have the drive to improve and analyse where you went wrong you do not improve.
              People too often blaim the losses on other players and do not take accountability their own weaknesses.