General Discussion

General DiscussionInternational Ranked Calibration Bug

International Ranked Calibration Bug in General Discussion

    So last night I continued playing my International ranked, I know that whatever the average mmr that will show in the top during the hero picking will be on that range my MMR, But my question is why does the average mmr decreases the next game? We won the game and I played luna with good xpm, gpm and kda. I don't know why the average mmr decreases the next time I played. Now we won again and has a good gpm, xpm and kda I will check again later what will be my average mmr.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Limited deviation per match
      100 is like the maximum each game


        And honestly you didn't even do THAT good on that luna game


          @bwsj what do you mean?? "Limited deviation per match, 100 is like the maximum each game"
          But yeah way better performance than before

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Actually this is the match that we won and the next match the average mmr decreases on this game


              The highest possible mmr swing for your calibration game is probably around 100
              And to get it you have to either shitstomp them HARD (like 20-0 bullshit) or feed hard (0-20 smth)


                well u actually played bad on luna

                this calibration thing depends a lot on how good you perform etc. like you need to really rape mid to win, farm fast and have good timings on carry.

                you had min 10 midas (MIDAS ON LUNA XD) into <7LH/MIN into min 12 PTREADS and 24 min Manta, that is horrible for a carry.


                  @bwsj Holy shit 20-0? they are not bots looooooooool,

                  @Manslaughter- feelsbadman, anyway I did my best. and I enjoyed the game


                    I'm sure the deviation is capped to prevent mmr inflation


                      well, you should try to improve your best, then.

                      i dont mean to offend, but you should be farming better if you want high mmr.


                        @manslaughter I was farming for almost of the time and still not enough? omg maybe my teammates will report me for farming a lot lol


                          Farming a lot and farming efficiently for considerably shorter period are two different things.