General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to carry a team that has no teamwork?

How to carry a team that has no teamwork? in General Discussion
Farm then Carry

    I know, I know that I sound like one of those 1k MMR scrubs that blames my teammates. I just wanna know how to deal with them, and how to win a game even if we just cant help each other?

    casual gamer

      I sound like one of those 1k MMR scrubs that blames my teammates

      how do you win the hardest games you are given?

      by being far better than everyone else. thats your only option

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Outplay everyone on every single match

        thats what I keep in mind and I go from 3.7K to 5.2k in 8 months


          Pick heroes that doesn't need teamwork to win? But that shit shouldn't be much of a problem since I climbed out of 1k with void


            ok imagine the hardest game you can possibly imagine in normal skill with the worst un co-operative teammates ever?

            good, because that shit is easy as fuck.

            you play bad, against bad players with bad players.

            if every game in my bracket was that easy i'd be 10k now.

            that's how easy you got it in dogshit NS

            you want high mmr? THEN GIT GUD

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            one syllable anglo-saxon

              just do cuki challenges until u get 999 gpm in every game like cuki does! 👌


                I don't completely get what you are saying cookie can you explain it a bit more? curiousity got me


                  long story short: when you don't know what your mistakes are you will miss every single one of them and keep repeating them.

                  the fact that someone thinks that they need TEAMMATES TO WIN BASICALLY ALMOST ANY SINGLE MATCH IN 0-5k is ridiculous.

                  the fact is, your enemies have no idea what they're doing as much as those un-cooperative teammates.

                  and even if the enemy has co-operation


                  one guy can be 3k mmr because he's good at teamplay and he's on the enemy team communicating, other can be 3k because he's good at solo gameplay and he's on your team flaming/muting everyone.

                  but the fact is BOTH OF THEM ARE 3K

                  no matter what set of skills they get their mmr from

                  borderline is they are STILL 3K

                  same goes for every other bracket!!!

                  so basically: it doesn't goddamn matter if you get the good or the bad teammates, your overall chances of winning ARE STILL THE FUCKING SAME

                  and those chances only depend on 1 fucking thing: YOUR OWN ABILITY TO PLAY THE GAME

                  have you ever played an MMO?

                  a lvl 50 character is not half the Damage of a lvl 100 character

                  he's 1/1000th the damage of that lvl 100 charcter

                  same in dota, a 2.5k player isn't half the skill of a 5k player

                  he's a 1/1000th of the skill of the 5k player.

                  same goes for any other bracket; 5k vs 10k, 3k vs 6k, 4k vs 8k etc.

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                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Normal skill players don't really have an idea of when they can be or get a potential kill, they easily get out of position and the chance of killing them is high. And this awareness improves with your skill level.

                    But if you're playing greedy carry heroes, split push until you're fat enough to solo kill.


                      pick brood 10/10 would win games easily

                      < blank >

                        Pick legion jungle


                          is paparazzi 10k already

                          one syllable anglo-saxon



                            Play for Fun

                              mute everyone


                                Paparazi road to 10k LUL


                                  Most game changing mechanic to learn: where to be, and when to be there.

                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                    muting works wonders. but be prepared to accept that if the game goes too long, even you cant solo push all towers en route to the ancient. split push and hope that the team sticks when it counts. All you can ever do is split push, I dont care if you pick a fucking zeus, get necrobook and split push lol, no way you're gonna end the game otherwise. (by lack of communication i am assuming that they dont group up for pushes and get solo picked off against a pick-off oriented enemy lineup)

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Literally learn to farm, pick troll, am, luna or tb, afk farm til 6 slotted and go win the game. You'll win like 2/3 this way.

                                      Player 153433446

                                        ^^ word
                                        Just powerfarm the whole map and splitpush when the enemy 30 mins you should be unkillable

                                        True North

                                          I took the responsibility of becoming the team.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                          True North

                                            Take the responsibility of developing an army of your own. Never expect anything from others. Never bother to type/ read/ chat/ resources anything remotely wasting your time. You might lose the opportunity of destroying the ancient meanwhile praying for em miracles to happen.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              Use psychological tricks to outplay your team and enemy . ezpz


                                                chill up,don't let the pressure,ego,and flame eat you + positive mental attitude. it's works for me a lot.