General Discussion

General Discussionhow to win with a jungler in your team from a carry position

how to win with a jungler in your team from a carry position in General Discussion

    still midas

    casual gamer

      1v1 me irl


        i dunno im just seeing people rushing manta or linkens for whatever reason and somehow owning with it

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Void is like the lowest damage carry/core in the game. His utility is really good, but his damage is very garbage. So I don't like Manta.


            Figured Manta is more for survivability and utility rather than damage. Ya know, splitting out of silences, dodging stuns etc. But whaduayeno. Then, if you get an item like diffusal, it makes that manta even more powerful - turning you into a damage dealer.

            Dire Wolf

              Manta on void is for combo'ing with diffusal. I would never build manta otherwise. But it's a very standard void build.


                Manta is not just offensive on Void - it is largely a defensive item as well. Void's biggest counters are silences and stuns, and Manta can help you dodge both. Especially if you get initiated on, and your team is ready to turn the fight around with your chrono.

                Damage dealing Void died because of stat nerfs. Its all about that giant pause button in the middle of fights now - that Manta makes it more possible.
                That is also why Void is getting picked less and less in my opionion. Magnus has basically the same ult (bkb piercing ult, stun, provides huge opportunity for your team), but it damages, and he himself buffs your team in other ways.

                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                    i had some dumbass in an international ranked game earlier who saw a bristleback undying lane and started the lane with 4 tangos a stick and 2 slippers, doesnt get his pms because naturally they jack the bounty rune and then cries about an enigma jungle and promptly feeds fb, says 'bristle op' and buys an iron talon. don't be that guy.

                    what was he supposed to buy against that? something like 3 sets of regen stout + branches, followed by stick from side shop? (although i wonder if would be able to get to the side shop against that)

                    thanks for the advices


                      You cant win cause MM is run by jews and Masons, filled with jungle pickers aka game ruiners financed by George Soros. Gaben is human lizard and part of 0.00000001% company that runs the system. And we are sprayed with chemicals on daily basis so we dont complain about MM, just saying


                        and dota map has shape of circle not square btw

                        saving private RTZ

                          Pick ursa