General Discussion

General DiscussionAs PA, how to counter MKB?

As PA, how to counter MKB? in General Discussion
Banskiie II

    My opinion would be to get more tanky so PA won't be a glass cannon anymore. Such as heart satanic or possibly skadi. If they have armor reduction, a cuirass can help.

    In my other opinion, blademail can be an alternative. U will be dishing more damage as the enemy hits you more. That would be kind of stupid. It can work against other glass cannons such as drow or sniper. (If they're stupid enough to rush MKB in the first 25 mins in the game.)

    Banskiie II

      For drow, shadow blade treads mkb. Lol xd (just for PA)


        GIT GUD


          by winning the game way before they get that MKB

          Catsys Rivers

            The physical damage is reduced by physical armor and physical immunity while the magical damage is reduced by magic armor and magic immunity.

            Naturally, the best items in both cases are Vanguard, AC, Hood of Defiance and BKB on this hero, correct? Those are both inexpensive and expensive choices for each.


              smoke gank caught enemy off guard easy win


                get cuirass


                  Dis feeling when opponent's Void just permalocks you and you'd be better off with ethereal blade than satanic.


                    Srsly man, if I had gone eblade in my last PA match, it would be so much better than Satanic.

                    Not sure if kappa or not



                      Super Senko-san Time


                        Riguma Borusu

                          Either end the game before enemy carries can get their MKB/BT/Silver Edge, or, when you realize they can actually right click you, kite everyone around with daggers until you see a clear opening with your team's disables.

                          Abuse your mobility to be out of the harm's way when possible, and to hit heroes in melee when your team uses some disables, etc.

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                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            How to counter an item made to counter you :thinking:

                            Président® Salted Butter

                              You're pretty much fucked at that point, if the enemy can hit you you're screwed anyways even if you try to tank up so just abuse your mobility and kite people. Remember: right-clickers are shit if they can't even hit

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                              Dire Wolf

                                In soviet russia, mkb counter you!

                                Dire Wolf

                                  You don't counter mkb, mkb counters you. Duh.

                                  That's why PA is a snowballin' hero not a farming to win one. Most enemy carries go mkb as like a 4th or 5th item so you need to have 4 items and be crushing them in fights so you get 6 slotted before they get mkb. Even with mkb a pa with satanic, abyssal, boots, deso, ac, bkb is quite hard to kill.

                                  Ramtin H

                                    Pa is not a hard carry so u get deso vlad and bkb and then u end the game before their cores get mkb
                                    Ots the only way imo or maybe if they got mkb u go ac skadi?

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                                    Optimus Drip

                                      Get a butterfly. Just keep stacking that eveasion. Eventually it'll work

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        PA can hard carry late, you just have to be smarter than blink onto carry and man fight. You can manfight solo with abyssal blade, lock them down and kill them, but vs like viper or sniper with mkbs and hurricane pikes you have to be careful not to get shredded and not to get focused in team fights. It's kind of like anti mage, use your mobility. Plus PA daggers can crit for insane amounts of damage, you can just sit back and sniper people if all else fails.

                                        saving private RTZ

                                          Build more dmg so you kill them first

                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            That's how it works, you get countered by MKB, the only thing you can do is make armor or attempt to tank up with with satanic or Skadi, I dunno. You should be trying to avoid the carry with MKB and kill of his teammates first anyways.

                                            That would be like Meepo being able to buy a item that counters the counters late game, why would it even be fair.

                                            7.07 update: Phantom veil 3000 gold

                                            Gives PA 20% more evasion so she becomes unkillable to physical damage, disables true strike from MKB users (mkb dont work on her anymore) and gives her 20% accuracy. (can only be bought on PA)

                                            Is that enough for you?

                                            Hurrrrrrr durrrrrrrr!!

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              pa is extremely mobile for a melee hero, she is fast and especially against melee carries like sven can just avoid him with daggers and blink and then lock him down with abyssal for the kill.
                                              mkb is a bigger problem on ranged heroes, but theyre often squishy enough to kill during abyssal stun duration
                                              however the best way to deal with this is to abuse ur midgame power and just destroy them before they can even farm one

                                              Ramtin H

                                                Idk how the fuck sven is squishy to die on abyssal stun with his ult and e up also a good sven player will stay back to his team initate then he blink in stun u and ur team ult bloodthorn on u madness on
                                                And gg wp commend sven plz
                                                Agaist sven u should just get abyssal ac asap
                                                Skadi is good too
                                                Imo pa sucks she just wreck kids in low mmrs cuase they dont know how to deal with her


                                                  pa sucks she just wreck kids in low mmrs cuase they dont know how to deal with her


                                                  Player 153433446

                                                    Why pa sucks balls...break her with silveredge

                                                    1 no evasion
                                                    2 no crits
                                                    3 50% less damage
                                                    Good luck playing with that hero

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      PA is still 51% win rate in 5k and not exactly under picked either, middle of the road at 9%. Shes good in all brackets.

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        Yes, but 1k PA and 7k PA are completely different heroes. Every time I watch some high MMR guy streaming a PA game, I always tend to notice how I never see those plays in my own games, because those people tend to kite every extended fight, manage to do a fuckton of damage before committing only when it's ultra safe.

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                                                          Heart AC Shiva


                                                            pa's abuse low mmr's but she is still a decent hero, she just operates in her true form at high mmr where u play by weaving in an out of fights and abusing ur mobility and kiting power to stay out of reach of the enemy and pick off key targets when the opening arises

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              1 enemy cores going fast mkb fucks them over

                                                              2 if they are getting core + mkb you are playing too passively. work to rosh and push with your DESO

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                It's same thing with AM late, more mobile, doesn't have massive crit but has other abilities, ult can be devastating. People think AM late sucks cus he's squishy to physical dmg but if you weave in and out of fights and drop a big ult he can still be a late game monster.


                                                                  just buy butterfly so you get more evasion, mkb only delete one 'instance' of evasion


                                                                    i miss dota, can anyonce send me a computer please ?

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                                                                      Ah haha I see NC advice my comrade !

                                                                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                        Halberd is pretty OP now since that shit's undispellable