General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen/how to join fights as Sven.

When/how to join fights as Sven. in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    This is one aspect of playing Sven that I personally have a LOT of trouble with.

    I Feel that :

    1) After you get MoM it FEELS like you can farm the whole map.
    2) You have very limited mana.
    3) After using God Strength to clear ancients you're often stuck with unoptimal mana pools/health.

    I personally feel it's most comfortable to join fights after MoM + SnY + Blink.

    But I also feel like I'm missing out on one/two crucial early teamfights by taking that ancient camp at the minute mark.

    edit: EXTRA QUESTION !! ----> How important is it to take the enemy's offlane T1 by using GS?

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Why do you get that trash item on Sven?

      Dire Wolf

        Join fights only if you know you can get kills/assists. Don't just join to join, keep farming and pushing in waves until a fight presents itself.


          1) You can. But more importantly, you need to be telling (asking) your supports to stack ancients and hard camps. After MoM + God's Strength, both of those camps are easy to finish off for a ~300-800 gold.

          2) Tread Switching. All of your spells (except your stun) are low mana. Tread Switch to Int. before using. Echo Sabre is less valuable with buffs to MoM (you don't want to spend too much of your early game gold).

          3) See point 2.

          As a position 1, you are allowed to not fight and farm for a few more minutes.


            Not all games are won by constant fighting.

            All of those games, I just farmed well, ratted out, and then joined fights after 25 minutes and a free Aegis. Easy wins, especially since no one in 1-4k really puts an effort into shutting down free farm. And if they do, you can simply roam to their jungle, take their t1's everytime they engage.

            When you have double the opposing teams 1 and 2's net worth at 25 minutes, of course you will dominate them. Don't sweat it unless you are behind on all your shit. IF YOU ARE, that is a different story.


              U can go brown boots - hotd - echo build

              U have everything u need without going back to base. Also you stack for yourself. 30 min 6 slotted. Join fights only when you need to.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany
              Cheap Laugh Guy

                1. Isn't that great?
                2. Mana talent and tread switching
                3. Don't clear ancients then, join team fight with GS when you get MoM + Blink

                Lester, Moe

                  Buy an armlet and blink


                    U can go brown boots - hotd - echo build
                    both hotd are out of the meta and not as good as MoM and Sny/armlet
                    for mana ferry clarities

                    also @Benao

                    Why do you get that trash item on Sven?

                    It gives him huge farming potential as well as massive teamfight potential, has a good build up and disassembles, and it gives move speed to chase and warcry off sets the armor loss.
                    but what would you know mister "I buy bf on pa" and mister "I don't buy blink on enigma over Necronomicon"


                      VHS player here, I will just give my 2cent. As a carry player myself, you need to be very clear when to join fights. Join when u know the gold and exp gained can offset those you can potentially gained from farming. Having said all that, I personally played support when im on 4.5k just to get a grasp on what carry need. Im now 4k, climbing back to 4.5 using carry heroes. Always carry a tp so u can switch lane easily to farm. Stack for urself.

                      And also thread switching is very important. Conserve your mana. U may think oh that little mana wont do much but you're wrong. Thread switching often allows u to use another stun which can do alot in fight.

                      Hope you get to very high skill bracket as well (:


                        You can fight with just Mom if ur team has sufficient lockdown and u don't have risk of dying. If not just keep farming till u have blink. you can definitely
                        Fight with blink


                          Since when dominator build is out of meta? Since they brought camp stacking back u can get 400 cs 30 min without much effort.


                            Jacked get yo ass back to spectre spammin

                            Rogue Knight

                              He is a very risky hero to handle, and joining in early fights is not always the best option, and the only thing that he joins in early teamfight is his Aoe spells,the stun and his warcry.You need to farm on that stages for that you can obtain an item or 4,you're good to go