General Discussion

General DiscussionBe nice to your teammate

Be nice to your teammate in General Discussion
ILC - Lethal Ninja

    otherwise your teammate will not pause for you when you dc. worse is purposely make you abandon.. just like this spec

    we could have ended the game, but we decided to let him abandon game when he dc.


      Dude, some people do this even if you are nice and polite to them.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany


        doc joferlyn simp

          Ok so you were an asshole to a guy, what now?


            Waow a brainless dentist 👌👌👌


              it's called teamwork.



                Story Time

                  btw did flaming ever helped???


                    btw did flaming ever helped???

                    helps in not getting insane so i'd answer yes

                    Story Time

                      lol, arin :D why talk about sanity in dota


                        I UNDERSTAND!

                        Well, why would I had to be nice to my teammate when they just leave me to fend for myself anyways while they are happily throwing themselves in to the enemy to make game harder?

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          interesting how the thoight of being nice to ur teammates only visits most ppl after they get punished for being an asshole
                          almost as if respecting other people "just because" is something alien and ridiculopus

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            i guess when in ur little world u are the protagonist and other people are just side characters at best(especially since u only meet most of them once) that makes sense

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Yeah we get it Alenari, you're studying to be a shrink