General Discussion

General DiscussionRoaming Support

Roaming Support in General Discussion

    I need some help with roaming Supports. Lately if tried to play some kunkka, but im always hardly underleveld in early game. How to fix this without leaching ep?

    doc joferlyn simp

      You know that time when no enemies are showing on the map, and your own teammates are farming, and the river is some sort of safe zone where each team can't go to the opposing side? Yeah that time. Don't just follow your cores around, if 2 of your cores are farming the jungle then go push out a lane or two. They're busy farming go take that bounty rune. If you have nothing better to do don't force the issue, instead try and farm on your own so that don't have negative impact in the mid-late game


        @HartzFear bruhhh everyone is talking. It's up to you if you will listen to them.


          Im talking about laning stage. I mean i get Part of some kills and stuff but i always need like 12 min for lvl 6.

          doc joferlyn simp

            It sounds like you're doing things right so maybe that's how things should be in the first place


              But get 6 in 12 min without leeching exp so damn good


                Guess ill Start leeching.


                  Be more aware on kill potentials and snatch more rune, I guess? Lvl 6 on min 12 is not exactly trash anyway


                    you would need to be constantly moving around, waiting for a perfect opportunity to gank, the opportunity cost on the other hand if there are no good opportunities to gank, you would be underleveled, or if u fail your ganks, u can stack the ancients for your carry and protect him while he is finishing that, dont try to be so aggressive when they have a stronger lineup in the early phase since you would end up losing, its better to be underleveled than feed the enemy. And btw being underleveled is normal for a roaming support, most of the time you would have a lower xpm than the pos 5 hero. Just focus on ganking, i am usually underleveled too when i play pos 4 heroes like kunkka, ns or earth spirit


                      How can a roaming support be underleveled????


                        roaming supports will usually be underleveled, however, if there is an empty wave (cores in jungle), just stand there and leech xp.
                        u don't even need to lh if its dangerous just make sure ur in xp range.

                        Erase Humanity

                          Roaming got really nerfed in recent patches. There is a huge opportunity cost leaving the lane nowadays besides the risk. It's more meta friendly to pick a lane support and tp counter gank than roam.


                            Level 6 at 12 minutes isn't bad... On average I think 10 minutes is decent... I'm guessing your approach to ganks might be through obvious ward spots... Always approach the lane through the trees and not around them... Runes can help you recoup some wasted time and although jungle was nerfed, stacking is back and a lot easier too... As kunkka, landing a torrent shouldn't be hard, just predict when the enemy will go for a last hit, but you will need assistance securing a kill... And if you have an afk farming team mate who refuses to use skills despite good kill potential, FORGET THAT LANE... I've had plenty of experience with such players and their response does not change no matter how levelled they are... Kunkka was nerfed multiple times in recent patches but is still viable... Just remember maxing X is usually the best option...

                            Actually, scratch that... I'm not sure it's that important now that the boat mechanics are changed, so I suggest only 1 point in X and max W after Q to help you catch up on farm...

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              Lul I must be one of the most anti-meta guy around


                                roaming supports would never ever be underleveled imo as of my experience getting 2-3 bounty rune can keep up to leveling and successful ganks and there's more if you ever stack then you can stand and share xp with your core clearing it


                                  try to mark the xp tome if you are underleveled


                                    use riki or bh instead and roam and find kills