General Discussion

General DiscussionELI 5 Can someone explain me the new Shift Queue change ?

ELI 5 Can someone explain me the new Shift Queue change ? in General Discussion
Bruce Willis

    I Shift Queue Blink and March on tinker and it seems the same as before, how it worked with Axe, Sk, and Tinker. But it is different with Puck.

    Here is the new changes :

    Example 1:
    Axe casts battle hunger. While the cast animation is playing, Axe quickly uses a Blink Dagger and then Berserker's Call.
    Old Rules: Only Berserker's Call is cast. The blink dagger order is ignored.
    New Rules: Axe will use the Blink Dagger, then cast Berserker's Call.
    Example 2:
    Puck casts Illusory Orb. Puck then casts Dream Coil. While the cast animation of Dream Coil is playing, Puck quickly casts Ethereal Jaunt and Waning Rift.
    Old Rules: Only Waning Rift would have triggered and Puck would not have teleported with Ethereal Jaunt.
    New Rules: Puck teleports with Ethereal Jaunt and then casts Waning Rift in the new location.
    This change applies generally to all orders that are issued when your hero is in another action (like during a cast animation or while stunned), and the order needs to enter the queue. Issuing a movement command or stop will still empty the queue same as before, if you decide you no longer want to issue the orders in the queue.

    Pale Mannie

      queue order is fixed
      for example: you want to blink-stun combo as Slardar but if you did the combo too fast you would only stun and not blink. this got fixed i think

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        one way, you can stop using tinker