General Discussion

General DiscussionOn Nyx

On Nyx in General Discussion

    On paper 200% carapice looks very cute, but is it actually worth taking instead of 40ms? I mean even if I use it against bloodrite, it doesn't make much of a difference late game. Any thoughts?


      I agree it's very cute when we theorycraft it, but practically speaking I would rather go for the ms. Mostly because 1. You need very good anticipation to pull it off, making the damage aspect of it unreliable 2. High-level people who want to kill nyx would always bkb 3. Your late game consists mainly of camping / initiating while having an aghanim, which means you benefit more burrowed then unburrowed. 4. Carapace's strength shines the most when picked against AOEs or DOTs which allows you to reliably stun for initiations and followups, and those usually deal very little damage (ion shell, radiance, firefly, etc). That's why you can see even though more than 80% of the pubs pick carapace reflection, the increased ms has higher winrate.


        Well, my personal opinion is because 200% spiked > 40 ms not because its so damn good


          Doesnt your point 3 support the carapace?


            I'd take carapace every time.

            Potato Marshal

              I guess movement speed just doesn't really look that appealing as ability specific talents, like with Dragon Knight's 25 talents. Most movement speed talents usually end up being the least picked talents by far. I guess it's also because most Nyx's at that point just kind of blink and burrow for most team fights. I kind of hope that they replace all the movement speed talents with something else like they did with the respawn talents.


                there are very few cases when carapace is actually optimal, mainly against pa/sven
                generally 40 ms provides much more utility


                  8in lategame in most cases u use carapace for the stun and the chance to make plays with the damage reflecting laguna or some other shit is pretty damn low


                    bullshit! sebastian said its AwEsoMe so we will go with it!

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      I think both talents suck for lvl 25 talent


                        Yeah they sure do. Bane has 100ms talent on 25lvl

                        Riguma Borusu

                          You are probably gonna get way more mileage (lul) out of 40ms than 200% carapace. But seriously, as TripleSteal- said, the bonus of 200% carapace is very inconsistent in most games, while 40ms will give you the bonus 100% of the time.


                            @carmilla Ah yes that didnt come out quite right. Wat I wanted to say is that when burrowed ur mainly using ur carapace as a stun, which is not affected by the talent, but the movespeed helps when ur using vandetta to initiate for the stun -> burrow -> carapace combo, as the movespeed talent gives u pretty much max movespeed when combined with vandetta.

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