General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I Bad?

Am I Bad? in General Discussion

    People in my bracket which is 3.6k keeps saying I'm the worst or I'm bad but when i look at how much dmg we dealt to both heroes and buildings, the gpm & xpm, kill participation, and analyzing the picks most of the time my pick is just right in my opinion. Most people that tells me that I'm bad are either Rednecks, Indians, and Peruvians which all screams in their mics whenever they die. I report the position of the enemies most of the time but I think most of my teammates are deaf or just plain retarded because they still farm where there are 5 enemies smoked and die and then blame me. I also noticed that most people that doesn't have dotabuff or anonymous is either Bad or toxic and most of the time both. Am I bad? If you think i do can you give me some tips or maybe coach me?


      And I also most of the time win my Lane


        being bad is relative.

        what we do know is you are 3.6k. so whatever that makes you...(subjective really).


          you're better off asking how to improve to win against other 3.6ks, rather than trying to find out if you play well or if it's your teammates fault (i see where this post is going).

          Ten komentarz był edytowany
          chicken spook,,,,

            Analyze high level gameplay replays
            Ranting about something you can't control won't do any shit

            chicken spook,,,,

              what we do know is you are 3.6k. so whatever that makes you the same level as an afk farming pos 1 only retard who magically skipped 1k mmr


                I can already the hell in front of me. I had a teammate of 3.7k mmr yesterday. Since this is a training acc i will just 1 pick hero that i wanted to play. Then i 1st pick sniper and ofc i will say and put an icon that i am mid but this 3.7k mmr player picked tiny and also marked mid then he just proceed to flame me which end up me muting the guy. Then he refused to go to other lane and proceed to blame me because i click faster than him and got the rune and he got outcsed by a 47damage sniper. Then he does what i never seen before, he tossed me to the enemy mid and feed him 1000x which end up he tossing me around 7-8times and he also feed(he hug tower and never csed) enemy mid necro goes beyond godlike 10min in thankfully a pa is willing to gave up his lane and supp me 6min in(offlane) so i tried my best and end up coordinating the entire team except the tiny.
                I played really bad but at least i didnt fed the necro in the last 40min xD

                chicken spook,,,,

                  Sorry I was tilted on that tiny game


                    No you will be pro in no time if you keep playing! Kappa


                      Hi, I see your new here but sorry fellow player, but you will never get proper information in this forum. Because its full of people with life problems and can't deal with them and starts to spam the forum to feel good about themselves and also their 1000 mmr and double down users. If I were you I would move to "DOTADEV" that's where admins of the game and high mmr players with out of this world skills answer all your gaming questions in dota 2. You better leave now and close this site or everyone who is active in this forum will start to give you wrong answers and the other random 1000 mmrs playing with bots will go crazy and starts to spam randomely and trust me your gonna like them very much.

                      And also if its not helping you then try the Steam Forum {[ ]} about Dota 2. No one dares to spam or flame there if they want to get instant 2 weeks ban and if they do it again 1 month and again 3 months and then again then they have no choice but to perma-ban them. but you need to unlock a privilage to post to prevent spammers like that person named Jack and that person who thinks he/she is an animal Dog. and those people moved here so they can spam here.

                      I also recommend the "Dota 2 Animo App" and chat with 3000-8000 mmr players if both of the following forums are not helpful and the community there are nice people.

                      Thank you for your time.
                      and btw don't pay attention to them, they're crazy and you know for attention.

                      if you cannot find your perfect forum then you don't need one because you are smarter than a forum.

                      as you can see "" Copyright 2017 Elo Entertainment LLC. "" Dota 2 is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation.

                      its not owned by valve but owned and has copyrighted law access (trademark) to it and its created by just some random person made dotabuff alive. so there will be a lot of false things here and puts dota 2's reputation into the ground of bad even how good their reputation is rated on the steam app.