General Discussion

General DiscussionIm fascinated

Im fascinated in General Discussion

    By io players in vhs, especially FBO this guy can just do something what no one else, i learned from him so much, i have been trying io -jungle armlet for aegis since i saw him first time i was fascinated and from 1min watching him i knew what i want to learn, now i can have armlet about 10m or dagon 12-13m, i still do more dmg with dagon build and in 70% games i feel dagon is a better choice (high armor, evasion heroes) and also couse its a insta dmg,this build allow me to help in any place on map and secure kill as solo relocate and still be moving fountain.FBO get around 6k with this 35% winrate ball,he have my biggest respect,its not like be 6k by spamming mid heroes.How you feel that?


      FUCK junglers


        fucking dagon wisp?
        if u jungle, its for fast levels and nothing more, then u go to help ur team


          Aimer tell me please how it does feel to play agaist him.


            feels like an izi game


              Crippling this is not wisp which you know from pro games, thats what you say just become popular in pro its still new thing,jungle io armlet is a different epizode, that few levels and go help team works only in vhs, no one can benefit from io under 5k or very rarely.


                dude, those people who play io mid and as a carry are extremely skilled at io, the hero is very hard, buying shit like armlet wont win u games unless u know what ur doing