General Discussion

General DiscussionHonestly, mmr means nothing

Honestly, mmr means nothing in General Discussion

    This kids a fucking retard lmfao. Sumail doesn't give a fuck about mmr. Midone is a fucking boss and probably top 3 mids in the world. If you can't see that then fuck you buddy. Just cause him AND HIS TEAM, YEAH HE ISNT THE WHOLE TEAM THERE IS ALSO 4 OTHER PLAYERS YOU DUMB SHIT, lost to a Brazillian team is not enough "evidence" to call him bad like you, a 2k shitter who doesn't know anything about the game, is doing in his post. I honestly hope this is bait and that nobody could really be this retarded


      mmr makes the game have a point..if thay didnt put some skill groups nobody will play this :)


        lol xdd

        no one?

          what's the point of playing then
          even the guy who said 'Mmr Means nothing' was try harding for like 1month to get out of 6k