General Discussion

General DiscussionDaily reminder to stop insta locking mid if you are lower than the av...

Daily reminder to stop insta locking mid if you are lower than the average MMR in General Discussion

    seriously guys. Please


      You can't stop stubborn people

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Yeah They just can't play any other roles because they are talented in the kill kill and throw game role their MMR doesnt define anything


          Im always doing that. If im on solo q, if not of course i pick heroes what weve plan, i pick heroes to boost my mmr. its not all about mmr avr, not becuase you are the highest mmr in your im ure the only one who can pick carry/mid.


          死の恐怖 Haseo

            I first pick mid even when the avg is 1k above my mmr kappa 123


              thats why you are still 1k.

              seriously i lost so many games because some autistic kid has to instapick his mid hero. gets counterpicked, dies 3 times in laning stage and team starts to flame. gg wp

              best example was some kid with dark autistry set for invoker, instapicked invo mid. he got a viper mid, got rekt horribly even though we tried to help him with at least 5 or 6 TP rotations.
              2 people started to flame him like madmen and we lost


                Stop instalocking mid when you're like 500mmr below avg, otherwise it doesn't matter

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  daily reminder to stop telling ppl what to do
                  i will instapick mid when im 1k below avg if i feel like playing mid


                    always instalock mid cus you're a mid player

                    especially if you're 4k in a 6k avg match, your 7k teammates love this


                      Try telling that in SEA server.


                        on serious note : how low is the odds for a 4k mid to win against 6-7k mid?


                          unless his 6-7k teammates gank for him and suck his dick off

                          basically none


                            This shouldn't be an issue tbh. Any player should be able to play any role to equal effect. Problem is you get high mmr games with huge deviations from the average. So now only the highest is allowed to play core?


                              Mid or feed lol


                                the argument against this is that he's probably what mmr he is by spamming mid, meaning he's likely 1-2k lower playing something such as support.


                                  the argument against having a guy who is 300-500 mmr below average is that when he imminently fails, u r down one core, and in the meta where MID is quite important it's that much harder to come back. Ask my 4-15 Lina, with 0 bloodstone charges

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    are u one of those ppl who go apeshit when x-300 mmr players "steal" x mmr player's core position?


                                      oh i am so sorry for insta locking mid the other day when i had the lowest mmr in the game

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        This shouldn't be an issue for u.

                                        SOLO MMR


                                          Something tells me you're the kind of person who feeds if they don't get mid


                                            I don't really play mid that much, and never really instalock it either. I am most comfortable on offlane but yes it does bother me when 4.1-4.2 k takes it from our 4.8k+ and then 15 min in you are missing your mid tower and the guy struggles to comeback. Now I understand everyone has an off game every now and then I just noticed that it happens fairly often especially in 4.3-4.5 average mmr games that sometimes do have pretty big disparity if you aren't playing during peak hours.

                                            Optimus Drip

                                              I mean, i insta pick techies offlane because i personally have the best winrate with it. Does my team want it? no, not at all, do i care? no, not at all. Solo matchmaking is everyone doing what they think is best for thier given game, or should be at any rate. Maybe pick ur mid faster

