General Discussion

General Discussion - Backwards casting, Extremely unreliable, Skillshot miss

- Backwards casting, Extremely unreliable, Skillshot miss in General Discussion

    Hey you!
    Yes YOU!
    Are you tired of hitting all your skillshots? Are you sick of Turning around to do it? Well I have the solution for you.
    Cast Your spell on your hero portrait,
    No need for turn rates, no need for aiming.
    No need for a patch.
    Try missing 4 icepaths, but hitting one really cool one, Shooting a kotl blast out of your ass. Silenencing people who are chasing you as Drow (without turning around)

    You can try this extremely situational, Gamebreaking and mostly game losing Bug today, With 6 easy reports and 5 games of low priority.


    Hatsune Miku

      is this broken, looks broken


        stand still on pudga, turn around.. hook from ass.

        its Rediculously situational, It requires them to be perfectly inline with godknows what (thought it was the fountain, and thought it was the well, like a tp self cast, however i actually have no idea how to aim it)

        Butttttttttt if you're ever in that one situation out of 3000 games. Yes, yes it is broken

        Holy shit balls, it works with kotl ulti...
        You can place it 'facing the wrong way, and have it nuke people'
        You can have it shoot from the side, from the back etc.

        you can seriously fuk with people like that.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          It could be really useful as puck
          Orb always flies southwest


            does it save you frames?

            Kotl aghs is actually legit though, because people see it charging the wrong way so they miss the dodge and chase you into it.


              I mean with aghs on kotl u can just place an illuminate and force them to either run into it to chase u, wherein u also get healed, or to leave. But u dont always want them to pick the chase after u path, and the wrong direction pointing can mess that up. But in the correct situation it can be retarded.


                you need to cast the spell on your animated hero portrait


                On kiev major I actually saw Demon do that on nyx to get a double stun and deny himself in roshpit

                Cheap Laugh Guy



                    This is old af since warcraft

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Wait this only works when in random specific directions xD and the skillshots only go southwest Not so useful :(