General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter Troll Warlord?

How to counter Troll Warlord? in General Discussion
Eat Soup With A Fork

    Honestly Im not even 1k mmr so please help


      kite my friend


        Just gank him 3 times and he will disconnect XD
        (if anyone knows where this is from i luv you)

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          You don't need to counter troll if you don't queue for a match 😏😏


            Just play od and one shot him with sanities from fog


              tanky heroes. solar crest, force staff, ghost scepter, evasion, blademail (Somewhat). anything that can delay his initiation and kite.

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                OD is pretty good. until he gets bkb. rip

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                  Just pick him, kappa

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Spirit Breaker, Solar Crest

                    Story Time

                      invis & forcestuff


                        Terror blade


                          dont manfight him


                            Use crystal maiden, buy solar crest. Use dazzle, buy solar crest. Use rubick, buy solar crest. Any support you want to play + solar crest every time. Troll will not be able to hit you. So long as they don't nerf solar crest in next update, just buy it.


                              Axe: call, bmail=dead or chaos knight, remember the troll is a single Target hero and need stack the fervor


                                usually as od if I'm against troll I wud go blink bkb hex.
                                even if troll gets bkb, u can kite him on the lower bkb durations with pike and blink, and if u find him before he finds u, just blink hex and burst him down.
                                if he blinds in the mid to early game just bkb.
                                troll also is very retarded so sanities can usually one shot him if ur farmed late game.
                                after hex u can shivas to kite or even skadi, with which u can kite through bkb and it gives a lot of mana = dmg and it makes u tanky.

                                Chao Vritra

                                  an axe with an early lead and vanguard/blademail will really mess him up. You jsut dont want to let him free farm, keep pressuring.

                                  Chao Vritra

                                    he will not counter him late game, but you can really shit on him early and mid.


                                      ^troll can be ranged, and he can also kite axe, so if axe cant get a proper initiation or gets his blink canceled by undying tomb or zeus ulti or veno ulti or haunt or np ulti or some other random aoe dmg, he cud definetley get kited and die. also troll frequently buys satanic and can counter the blademail. basically axe can really shut him down early but a good troll can play around the match up disadvantage, find farm, and take the game late and win.


                                        Terrorblsde with dazzle can be realllu hard to deal with

                                        ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                          just use riki to smoke him. 70% missing hit


                                            Solar Crest, if its in the game abuse it :P


                                              Wait for 7.06 Krappa


                                                that hero needs nerf and every troll warlord spammers are :poop: :poop: :poop:

                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  :rage: AXE :rage:

                                                  i follow Jesus.

                                                    as a troll player, any enemy axe just builds me a nice free spree to get at minute 40
                                                    troll is extremely frail an kitable. buy solar crests as support, buy solar crest as core
                                                    protip: ratting works, blink+orchid works when he doesnt have a manta
                                                    if you just play a lineup of a huge damage dealer and 2 disablers you can pretty much beat him eventually, no matter how good he is he will simply perish
                                                    bkb runs out of charges before anyone says anything

                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                      Literally Axe.
                                                      Just pick Axe.
                                                      Axe is literally the anti-meta hero.


                                                        I've always owned my lane against him with weaver. His attack speed won't aid him because Weaver just slips away, and reappears when it wears off. attack and run until he's low HP then shukuchi behind him and fight to the death (no death for you thanks to Ulti ). plus when supports see Troll on low HP they always come to gank.

                                                        PS I ban Axe every single game because he counters every single hero i can play with....

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                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                          every troll cries vs Tinker , you cannot even hit as troll


                                                            Weaver gets bashed once and he is dead. It can be great but he also cant deal with the blind from troll well.


                                                              Visage + Solar Crest:
                                                              Q + Solar Crest + Familiars + W = Dead Troll