General Discussion

General Discussionintl ranked mmr is a scam

intl ranked mmr is a scam in General Discussion

    hey im currently using my brother's account to recalibrate it and it seems that the system is fuckd up? my brother's account has almost like 2,7 mmr and im owning the intl ranked games like a mad man 6 wins 4 more i get good kda all good shit and im still stuck at 3k avg? and im not the highest TBD on the match i dunno why but u guys decide

    almost avg 700 gpm out of 5 match except the tiny one >.<


      Max deviation per match is more limited


        ^ ^ uhhh what do you mean by that i dont get what have u said

        Story Time

          lol, another silly kid who thinks that KDA/wins/"all goodshit" determines the mmr during the calibration

          ILC - Lethal Ninja

            why you give a shit about the mmr so much


              @Story Time ?? ? ? im just doing it for fun and to test if i can easily own 2k pubs lol from the start i knew that kda and all are the base but i dont get what's happening lol , and im not a kid . asshole

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                @ Evil Dentist , i don't care about it but i want to test my skilsl in 2k pub and it seems that i can own em

                Story Time

                  then why u ask silly question that all other kids ask? :D lol
                  PS dont forget to write your final mmr after the international calibration, so we can all laugh together


                    ^ ^ sure sure MAN u made me triggered


                      what bws was saying is that, when you play really well in a calibration match it bumps up your avg mmr for the next match. The system has a max number it will bump you up and the number is bigger in regular ranked than it is in international ranked.

                      Story Time

                        why is it so early these days to trigger people on internet... i mean, it is not your first day on this forum - is it?


                          but why do everyone just wanna trigger others in the first place :thinking:



                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                              YEAH INT MMR IS SCAM . its not fair i play 3.9k avg and my team all have high 3k solo mmr and one 3.3k while the enemy have 4.5 , and others are low 4k . isnt that a scam , giff me ez gaem pslslslslslsllslslslssl . i cant win int mmr helppp


                                7 wins by now im waiting for my final result


                                  Yup exactly what happened to me, check my last 10 games, which are the calibration games, I won 8 and lost 2, with high cs in all matches and tried my best to have a good kda and yet I got calibrated to 2965 mmr, LIKE WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


                                    ^ ^ u need to own games just like what i am doing good cs is not enough check this .


                                      maybe because u actually are 2/3k players

                                      i mean guys what are u expecting, to calibrate at 4.8 although ur actual ranked is 1k?


                                        I do confess that I started in 1k mmr, but that was 2 years ago and I have learned much since then, I am currently 3k mmr and tried to achieve a higher number. I thought going for Calibration is the best way to do it, so I did and I got calibrated less than my actual mmr, which is 3023 (my calibration was 2965) which is simply just bullshit.


                                          I won 8/10 calibration matches, almsot all of them with 530+gpm and xpm which a high number of cs and a good kda.

                                          Brother (real)

                                            won 9/10 calibration matches - 750+ gpm and xpm gives you 3081 solo mmr. So yeah, fuck it


                                              @Apple. i dont really care about what mmr wud i get but idk i thought having almost perfect gameplay puts u up into higher avg mmr? wasn't that the system before?

                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                It's not a scam, but it does take what you already have. I'm happy, I got a free 300 party mmr. Party ranked is still a little off and iffy. But despite losing a few calibration games, I went positive (in mmr) so now I have to work with my friends to entirely gtfo out 3k.

                                                My solo is fine. It's mid 4k. I'm just tired of my party mmr being shit lmao

                                                Gl, dood


                                                  your oldest game is really REALLY n00b. that's why ( if you ever get the mmr ) you have 1k-2k mmr.


                                                    ure not playing perfectly, not even remotely

                                                    play better = get higher mmr

                                                    better kda != better player

                                                    white boy summer

                                                      same for me, 3k2 ranked 3k0 international


                                                        he will reach 3.5k if he continues getting 15-0

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                        王 1 VS WRLD 雨

                                                          no one can calibrate above 4k since callibration got nerfed.It is probably even worse with int ranked


                                                            I just got 4445 tho ^^


                                                              Legend has it the limit is 4.5k. But since the mmr gains are not as large, the only people calibrating at that limit are the people playing at/above that level anyways. Cant remember where i heard it, but its not such a crazy theory me thinks.


                                                                Can confirm it.
                                                                Yeah the mmr gain so limited
                                                                I play in my friend 1k acc then no matter how i own them i just got like 100 mmr per match (i think not even 100)
                                                                When in real calibration according to cookie you can get 500 mmr per match


                                                                  And no, max calibration is 5k in international
                                                                  I am sure someone who said the max is 3.5k dont but battle pass at all


                                                                    finished calibrating my brother's account

                                                                    original mmr

                                                                    Stats k/d/a (had a crazy one)

                                                                    FINAL MMR >.<

                                                                    conclusions ; if your account has 2k avg'ish mmr u wont improve by a large margin see , from 2,8 i just gained 300 mmr , i think those who get higher 4,5^^ there accounts have been in 4k trench thats why they can improve by a large one.


                                                                        i'll experiment soon with this account which has 4,1'ish

                                                                        The Medic Guy

                                                                          that international calibration is not like start from 0 and get into 5k just by few good performance match.

                                                                          it start somewhere based on your average mmr, or based on your normal average mmr.

                                                                          my solo is 4004, i play inter-rank once with 4.2k-ish average with me as the higher TBD.

                                                                          if i play normal game now, my normal average game will be 4.2k-ish.

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                            yep thats how it goes .


                                                                              youll just increase 300 or 400 more with intl rank and if u even underperform i think ud get pretty much low improved on intl rank mmr

                                                                              The Medic Guy

                                                                                well, i suggest you play once normal game before go to inter-rank to see if normal avarage mmr do part in this inter rank


                                                                                  ^ ^ ill try with this account


                                                                                    Got the same problem with recalibrare. The reason that happening is stpuid system that puts US in the normal skill games that determinstes next games.

                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                      its not a problem it's just valve way of tricking us , to think that if we recalibrate we can get almost +700 mmr in our dotka accnt


                                                                                        The main problem in my opinion is that if you played normal skill before you will recalibrate still in normal skill.
                                                                                        As I see the people that recalibrated at 4-5k are mostly VHS accounts or accounts thart are fresh with no determinated game skill.
                                                                                        Kinda sad cause I got many 4k smurfs that I dont like to play cause I like all the stuff, skins, items on that main account. Dont feel like I want to leave this main account played since 2012 but as I see even system wont give me chance to calibrate higher thatn my current mmr level.


                                                                                          It is not scam, but just shows how they don't care about their customers, you should make fake accounts, smurfs, and so on to make something out of it aka abuse system. Now window even for that is closing beacuse of strict rules of calibrations, caps, limitations to advancing in any possible way. I don't want to ruin anyone games, don't have high hopes of advancing, but some possibility to advance without anchor of thousands of unranked games on account is just what some people are looking for. Someone would say, ok, deal with it, just make fake new account and act like it is nothing and grind through world full of invisible rules not even presented to anyone who paid for this game.