General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen Im on winning streak, Gaben puts me in dire game after game

When Im on winning streak, Gaben puts me in dire game after game in General Discussion

    Everytime Im starting to have a good time in doto, I tend to be more on dire side. But not only Im on dire side, but also we have first pick which is huge disadvantage if people play at simmilar level.

    Generally I played 150 more dire games than Radiant ones with 47,85% Wr.

    How about you guys ? Do you feel any difference between sides ? Does anyone of you have higher WR on Dire side ?

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      Look at my radiant-dire win rate bro

      Nearly 60% on radiant, but on dire its so much worse




          I've same win rate both sides. But I feel dire has disadvantage when it comes to camera positioning.


            im a direboy because my element is darkness


              I had higher WR on dire before but it quickly went down


                i also have more wr on radiant side


                  oh Parte remember my "quantity of players decreasing after 7.00" topic ??

                  I was right, although I came back to doto for fun.



                    you are a disgrace to our kind kappa

                    ignore my last 16 games i was helping a booster boost party mmr so im still dota free

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